Containerization feature of SO
[so.git] / asdc-controller / src / test / resources / resource-examples / multipleModules / ServiceResponse.json
1 {
2         "modelName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-Service",
3         "description": "Demo",
4         "modelUUID": "bad955c3-29b2-4a27-932e-28e942cc6480",
5         "modelInvariantUUID": "b16a9398-ffa3-4041-b78c-2956b8ad9c7b",
6         "serviceType": "",
7         "serviceRole": "",
8         "environmentContext": "General_Revenue-Bearing",
9         "networkCustomizations": [],
10         "vnfCustomizations": [
11                 {
12                         "modelCustomizationUuid": "96c23a4a-6887-4b2c-9cce-1e4ea35eaade",
13                         "modelInstanceName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-VF 0",
14                         "multiStageDesign": "false",
15                         "vnfResources": {
16                                 "modelUuid": "d326f424-2312-4dd6-b7fe-364fadbd1ef5",
17                                 "modelInvariantUuid": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7",
18                                 "modelName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-VF",
19                                 "toscaNodeType": "org.openecomp.resource.vf.VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf",
20                                 "description": "Demo",
21                                 "orchestrationMode": "HEAT",
22                                 "modelVersion": "1.0",
23                                 "modelInvariantId": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7"
24                         },
25                         "vfModuleCustomizations": [
26                                 {
27                                         "modelCustomizationUuid": "074c64d0-7e13-4bcc-8bdb-ea922331102d",
28                                         "label": "pxmc_base",
29                                         "minInstances": 1,
30                                         "maxInstances": 1,
31                                         "initialCount": 1,
32                                         "heatEnvironment": {
33                                                 "artifactUuid": "6dd99c31-c52e-4c45-b99b-d223c877a296",
34                                                 "name": "pxmc_base.env",
35                                                 "description": "Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact",
36                                                 "environment": "parameters:\n  vnf_name: \n",
37                                                 "artifactChecksum": "OGM2MWIzZTA2OTc5YjQwNTM1NGVhODA0YTFkNzM4ZTg=",
38                                                 "version": "2"
39                                         },
40                                         "vfModule": {
41                                                 "modelUUID": "eb5de6fb-9ecf-4009-b922-fae3a9ae7d46",
42                                                 "modelInvariantUUID": "f7a867f2-596b-4f4a-a128-421e825a6190",
43                                                 "modelName": "VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf..pxmc_base..module-0",
44                                                 "modelVersion": "1",
45                                                 "isBase": 1,
46                                                 "moduleHeatTemplate": {
47                                                         "artifactUuid": "7e7f7356-11bd-4f2f-bbbc-5c10954e3189",
48                                                         "templateName": "pxmc_base.yaml",
49                                                         "templateBody": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\nparameters:\n\n## GLOBAL//Basic Parameters\n  vnf_name:\n    type: string\n    description: Unique name for this VF instance\n#   For manual spinups, value must be in the ENV file. Must be removed from ENV before uploading to ASDC\n\nresources:\n\n## MSP RSG//Resource:SecurityGroup\n  sec_grp_msp_0:\n    type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup\n    properties:\n      description: Security Group for PXMC\n      name:\n        str_replace:\n          template: VF_NAME_sec_grp_msp\n          params:\n            VF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name }\n      rules:\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"icmp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\"}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"58\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\"}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"icmp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\"}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"58\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\"}\n\noutputs:\n\n  sec_grp_msp_id:\n    description:  uuid of the security group\n    value: {get_resource: sec_grp_msp_0 }\n",
50                                                         "timeoutMinutes": 120,
51                                                         "version": "1",
52                                                         "description": "created from csar",
53                                                         "artifactChecksum": "YThkNGFhZjAwNmM4NzMzODc0YzNhYTUxOTljNGQwNmM=",
54                                                         "parameters": [
55                                                                 {
56                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "7e7f7356-11bd-4f2f-bbbc-5c10954e3189",
57                                                                         "paramName": "vnf_name",
58                                                                         "required": true,
59                                                                         "paramType": "string"
60                                                                 }
61                                                         ],
62                                                         "childTemplates": [],
63                                                         "heatTemplate": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\nparameters:\n\n## GLOBAL//Basic Parameters\n  vnf_name:\n    type: string\n    description: Unique name for this VF instance\n#   For manual spinups, value must be in the ENV file. Must be removed from ENV before uploading to ASDC\n\nresources:\n\n## MSP RSG//Resource:SecurityGroup\n  sec_grp_msp_0:\n    type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup\n    properties:\n      description: Security Group for PXMC\n      name:\n        str_replace:\n          template: VF_NAME_sec_grp_msp\n          params:\n            VF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name }\n      rules:\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"icmp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\"}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"egress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"58\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\"}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"\", \"protocol\": \"icmp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv4\"}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"tcp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"udp\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"132\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\", \"port_range_max\": 65535, \"port_range_min\": 0}\n        - {\"direction\": \"ingress\", \"remote_ip_prefix\": \"::/0\", \"protocol\": \"58\", \"ethertype\": \"IPv6\"}\n\noutputs:\n\n  sec_grp_msp_id:\n    description:  uuid of the security group\n    value: {get_resource: sec_grp_msp_0 }\n"
64                                                 },
65                                                 "heatFiles": [],
66                                                 "vnfResources": {
67                                                         "modelUuid": "d326f424-2312-4dd6-b7fe-364fadbd1ef5",
68                                                         "modelInvariantUuid": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7",
69                                                         "modelName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-VF",
70                                                         "toscaNodeType": "org.openecomp.resource.vf.VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf",
71                                                         "description": "Demo",
72                                                         "orchestrationMode": "HEAT",
73                                                         "modelVersion": "1.0",
74                                                         "modelInvariantId": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7"
75                                                 },
76                                                 "modelInvariantUuid": "f7a867f2-596b-4f4a-a128-421e825a6190",
77                                                 "base": true
78                                         }
79                                 },
80                                 {
81                                         "modelCustomizationUuid": "5336a98e-0966-4e59-b6e6-c8162804a024",
82                                         "label": "pxmc_vmt",
83                                         "minInstances": 0,
84                                         "initialCount": 0,
85                                         "heatEnvironment": {
86                                                 "artifactUuid": "bc1640f1-69f0-4760-8fc3-3318ec2ff129",
87                                                 "name": "pxmc_vmt.env",
88                                                 "description": "Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact",
89                                                 "environment": "parameters:\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_false: \n  cinder_delete_on_termination_true: \n  oam_protected_net_name: \n  sec_grp_msp_id: \n  vf_module_id: \n  vmt_block_device_names: \n  vmt_flavor_name: \n  vmt_name_0: \n  vmt_oam_protected_ip_0: \n  vmt_volume_image_name_0: \n  vmt_volume_image_name_1: \n  vmt_volume_name_0: \n  vmt_volume_name_1: \n  vmt_volume_size_0: \n  vmt_volume_size_1: \n  vnf_id: \n",
90                                                 "artifactChecksum": "MjdkYzY5ZGU0ZTlkZDlhNzI2ZGVhMjk1ODVhZTg1NTY=",
91                                                 "version": "2"
92                                         },
93                                         "vfModule": {
94                                                 "modelUUID": "4d4423e2-17e8-455a-b9ae-7e4ab71b9cdc",
95                                                 "modelInvariantUUID": "1e099992-6222-41a9-acde-5a8abb690775",
96                                                 "modelName": "VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf..pxmc_vmt..module-1",
97                                                 "modelVersion": "1",
98                                                 "isBase": 0,
99                                                 "moduleHeatTemplate": {
100                                                         "artifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
101                                                         "templateName": "pxmc_vmt.yaml",
102                                                         "templateBody": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\ndescription: HOT creates Nimbus MSP VMT stack under MobiSupport Tenant\n\nparameters:\n  vmt_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT server names\n    description: name of the MSP VMT instances\n#  vmt_image_name:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP VMT image name\n#    description: MSP VMT image name\n  vmt_flavor_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT flavor name\n    description: MSP VMT flavor name\n#  availability_zone_0:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP VMT availability zones\n#    description: MSP VMT availability zones\n  sec_grp_msp_id:\n    type: string\n    label: security group id\n    description: the id of security group\n  vmt_oam_protected_ip_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT OAM IP Addresses\n    description: MSP VMT OAM IP Addresses\n  oam_protected_net_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT OAM net name\n    description: MSP VMT OAM net name\n  vmt_block_device_names:\n    type: comma_delimited_list\n    label: MSP VMT Block Device Names\n    description: MSP VMT Block Device Names\n  vmt_volume_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n  vmt_volume_name_1:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n  vmt_volume_size_0:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n  vmt_volume_size_1:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n  vmt_volume_image_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDA Cinder Volume image name\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDA Cinder Volume image name\n  vmt_volume_image_name_1:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDB Cinder Volume image name\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDB Cinder Volume image name\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_true:\n    type: boolean\n    description: delete cinder volume upon instances termination\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_false:\n    type: boolean\n    description: keep cinder volume upon instances termination\n  vnf_id:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT VNF ID\n    description: MSP VMT VNF ID\n  vf_module_id:\n    type: string\n    description:  Unique ID for this VF Module instance\n\nresources:\n################ Cinder Volumes ##############################\n  vmt_volume_0:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: vmt_volume_name_0}\n      size: {get_param: vmt_volume_size_0}\n      image: {get_param: vmt_volume_image_name_0}\n\n  vmt_volume_1:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: vmt_volume_name_1}\n      size: {get_param: vmt_volume_size_1}\n      image: {get_param: vmt_volume_image_name_1}\n\n################ Ports ##############################\n  vmt_oam_protected_0_port:\n    type: OS::Neutron::Port\n    properties:\n      network: {get_param: oam_protected_net_name}\n      fixed_ips: [{\"ip_address\": {get_param: vmt_oam_protected_ip_0}}]\n      security_groups: [{get_param: sec_grp_msp_id}]\n      replacement_policy: AUTO\n\n################### Servers #########################\n  vmt_zrdm5bpxmc02vmt_0:\n    type: OS::Nova::Server\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: vmt_name_0}\n#      image: {get_param:  vmt_image_name}\n      flavor: {get_param: vmt_flavor_name}\n#      availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone_0}\n      block_device_mapping_v2: \n        - device_name: {get_param: [vmt_block_device_names, 0]}\n          volume_id: {get_resource: vmt_volume_0}\n          delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true}\n          boot_index: 0\n        - device_name: {get_param: [vmt_block_device_names, 1]}\n          volume_id: {get_resource: vmt_volume_1}\n          delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true}\n          boot_index: -1\n      networks:\n        - port: {get_resource: vmt_oam_protected_0_port}\n      config_drive: \"True\"\n      user_data_format: RAW\n      user_data:\n        get_file: user_data_zrdm5bpxmc02vmt001.txt\n\n      metadata:\n        vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id}\n        vf_module_id {get_param: vf_module_id}\n        \"evacuation_policy\": \"Evacuation\"\n",
103                                                         "timeoutMinutes": 120,
104                                                         "version": "1",
105                                                         "description": "created from csar",
106                                                         "artifactChecksum": "ODE0YTRiYzc2YzkxOTliZjJhNjc0M2RhMWU4M2VlZmE=",
107                                                         "parameters": [
108                                                                 {
109                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
110                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_name_0",
111                                                                         "required": true,
112                                                                         "paramType": "string"
113                                                                 },
114                                                                 {
115                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
116                                                                         "paramName": "vf_module_id",
117                                                                         "required": true,
118                                                                         "paramType": "string"
119                                                                 },
120                                                                 {
121                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
122                                                                         "paramName": "sec_grp_msp_id",
123                                                                         "required": true,
124                                                                         "paramType": "string"
125                                                                 },
126                                                                 {
127                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
128                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_volume_name_1",
129                                                                         "required": true,
130                                                                         "paramType": "string"
131                                                                 },
132                                                                 {
133                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
134                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_volume_name_0",
135                                                                         "required": true,
136                                                                         "paramType": "string"
137                                                                 },
138                                                                 {
139                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
140                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_block_device_names",
141                                                                         "required": true,
142                                                                         "paramType": "comma_delimited_list"
143                                                                 },
144                                                                 {
145                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
146                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_flavor_name",
147                                                                         "required": true,
148                                                                         "paramType": "string"
149                                                                 },
150                                                                 {
151                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
152                                                                         "paramName": "vnf_id",
153                                                                         "required": true,
154                                                                         "paramType": "string"
155                                                                 },
156                                                                 {
157                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
158                                                                         "paramName": "oam_protected_net_name",
159                                                                         "required": true,
160                                                                         "paramType": "string"
161                                                                 },
162                                                                 {
163                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
164                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_volume_image_name_1",
165                                                                         "required": true,
166                                                                         "paramType": "string"
167                                                                 },
168                                                                 {
169                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
170                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_volume_image_name_0",
171                                                                         "required": true,
172                                                                         "paramType": "string"
173                                                                 },
174                                                                 {
175                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
176                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_oam_protected_ip_0",
177                                                                         "required": true,
178                                                                         "paramType": "string"
179                                                                 },
180                                                                 {
181                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
182                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_volume_size_0",
183                                                                         "required": true,
184                                                                         "paramType": "number"
185                                                                 },
186                                                                 {
187                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
188                                                                         "paramName": "cinder_delete_on_termination_false",
189                                                                         "required": true,
190                                                                         "paramType": "boolean"
191                                                                 },
192                                                                 {
193                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
194                                                                         "paramName": "vmt_volume_size_1",
195                                                                         "required": true,
196                                                                         "paramType": "number"
197                                                                 },
198                                                                 {
199                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "ad12ab80-5419-4346-a5d7-dac2fc15575f",
200                                                                         "paramName": "cinder_delete_on_termination_true",
201                                                                         "required": true,
202                                                                         "paramType": "boolean"
203                                                                 }
204                                                         ],
205                                                         "childTemplates": [],
206                                                         "heatTemplate": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\ndescription: HOT creates Nimbus MSP VMT stack under MobiSupport Tenant\n\nparameters:\n  vmt_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT server names\n    description: name of the MSP VMT instances\n#  vmt_image_name:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP VMT image name\n#    description: MSP VMT image name\n  vmt_flavor_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT flavor name\n    description: MSP VMT flavor name\n#  availability_zone_0:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP VMT availability zones\n#    description: MSP VMT availability zones\n  sec_grp_msp_id:\n    type: string\n    label: security group id\n    description: the id of security group\n  vmt_oam_protected_ip_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT OAM IP Addresses\n    description: MSP VMT OAM IP Addresses\n  oam_protected_net_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT OAM net name\n    description: MSP VMT OAM net name\n  vmt_block_device_names:\n    type: comma_delimited_list\n    label: MSP VMT Block Device Names\n    description: MSP VMT Block Device Names\n  vmt_volume_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n  vmt_volume_name_1:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names\n  vmt_volume_size_0:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n  vmt_volume_size_1:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes\n  vmt_volume_image_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDA Cinder Volume image name\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDA Cinder Volume image name\n  vmt_volume_image_name_1:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDB Cinder Volume image name\n    description: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDB Cinder Volume image name\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_true:\n    type: boolean\n    description: delete cinder volume upon instances termination\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_false:\n    type: boolean\n    description: keep cinder volume upon instances termination\n  vnf_id:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP VMT VNF ID\n    description: MSP VMT VNF ID\n  vf_module_id:\n    type: string\n    description:  Unique ID for this VF Module instance\n\nresources:\n################ Cinder Volumes ##############################\n  vmt_volume_0:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: vmt_volume_name_0}\n      size: {get_param: vmt_volume_size_0}\n      image: {get_param: vmt_volume_image_name_0}\n\n  vmt_volume_1:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: vmt_volume_name_1}\n      size: {get_param: vmt_volume_size_1}\n      image: {get_param: vmt_volume_image_name_1}\n\n################ Ports ##############################\n  vmt_oam_protected_0_port:\n    type: OS::Neutron::Port\n    properties:\n      network: {get_param: oam_protected_net_name}\n      fixed_ips: [{\"ip_address\": {get_param: vmt_oam_protected_ip_0}}]\n      security_groups: [{get_param: sec_grp_msp_id}]\n      replacement_policy: AUTO\n\n################### Servers #########################\n  vmt_zrdm5bpxmc02vmt_0:\n    type: OS::Nova::Server\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: vmt_name_0}\n#      image: {get_param:  vmt_image_name}\n      flavor: {get_param: vmt_flavor_name}\n#      availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone_0}\n      block_device_mapping_v2: \n        - device_name: {get_param: [vmt_block_device_names, 0]}\n          volume_id: {get_resource: vmt_volume_0}\n          delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true}\n          boot_index: 0\n        - device_name: {get_param: [vmt_block_device_names, 1]}\n          volume_id: {get_resource: vmt_volume_1}\n          delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true}\n          boot_index: -1\n      networks:\n        - port: {get_resource: vmt_oam_protected_0_port}\n      config_drive: \"True\"\n      user_data_format: RAW\n      user_data:\n        get_file: user_data_zrdm5bpxmc02vmt001.txt\n\n      metadata:\n        vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id}\n        vf_module_id {get_param: vf_module_id}\n        \"evacuation_policy\": \"Evacuation\"\n"
207                                                 },
208                                                 "heatFiles": [],
209                                                 "vnfResources": {
210                                                         "modelUuid": "d326f424-2312-4dd6-b7fe-364fadbd1ef5",
211                                                         "modelInvariantUuid": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7",
212                                                         "modelName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-VF",
213                                                         "toscaNodeType": "org.openecomp.resource.vf.VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf",
214                                                         "description": "Demo",
215                                                         "orchestrationMode": "HEAT",
216                                                         "modelVersion": "1.0",
217                                                         "modelInvariantId": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7"
218                                                 },
219                                                 "modelInvariantUuid": "1e099992-6222-41a9-acde-5a8abb690775",
220                                                 "base": false
221                                         }
222                                 },
223                                 {
224                                         "modelCustomizationUuid": "e38906fa-717c-49b0-b391-e6ec12b50c4a",
225                                         "label": "pxmc_mmn",
226                                         "minInstances": 0,
227                                         "initialCount": 0,
228                                         "heatEnvironment": {
229                                                 "artifactUuid": "e88ce0b9-1496-4d03-ab1d-6d8d79bfc737",
230                                                 "name": "pxmc_mmn.env",
231                                                 "description": "Auto-generated HEAT Environment deployment artifact",
232                                                 "environment": "parameters:\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_false: \n  cinder_delete_on_termination_true: \n  mmn_arch_volume_id_2: \n  mmn_backup_volume_id_3: \n  mmn_block_device_names: \n  mmn_data_volume_id_1: \n  mmn_flavor_name: \n  mmn_misc_volume_id_4: \n  mmn_name_0: \n  mmn_oam_protected_ip_0: \n  mmn_volume_image_name_0: \n  mmn_volume_name_0: \n  mmn_volume_size_0: \n  oam_protected_net_name: \n  sec_grp_msp_id: \n  vf_module_id: \n  vnf_id: \n",
233                                                 "artifactChecksum": "ZGI1NzI2Y2FmYjFhOTM2ZDYwNzg1YWRhZjBmMTk2OTQ=",
234                                                 "version": "2"
235                                         },
236                                         "vfModule": {
237                                                 "modelUUID": "a8cb1182-9b6d-46f8-b06b-ded4fe69e10d",
238                                                 "modelInvariantUUID": "8e53c069-b2f0-437a-9c00-21cbc5c8f081",
239                                                 "modelName": "VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf..pxmc_mmn..module-2",
240                                                 "modelVersion": "1",
241                                                 "isBase": 0,
242                                                 "volumeHeatTemplate": {
243                                                         "artifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
244                                                         "templateName": "pxmc_mmn_volume.yaml",
245                                                         "templateBody": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\ndescription: HOT creates MSP MMN Cinder Volumes under MobiSupport Tenant\n\nparameters:\n  mmn_volume_name_1:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_name_2:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_name_3:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_name_4:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_size_1:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\n  mmn_volume_size_2:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\n  mmn_volume_size_3:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\n  mmn_volume_size_4:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\nresources:\n  mmn_data_volume_1:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_1}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_1}\n              \n  mmn_arch_volume_2:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_2}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_2}\n         \n  mmn_backup_volume_3:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_3}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_3}\n               \n  mmn_misc_volume_4:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_4}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_4}\n\noutputs:\n  mmn_data_volume_id_1:\n    description: msp mmn data volume 1\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_data_volume_1}\n              \n  mmn_arch_volume_id_2:\n    description: msp mn arch volume 2\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_arch_volume_2}\n         \n  mmn_backup_volume_id_3:\n    description: msp mn backup volume 3\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_backup_volume_3}\n               \n  mmn_misc_volume_id_4:\n    description: msp mn volume 4\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_misc_volume_4}\n",
246                                                         "timeoutMinutes": 120,
247                                                         "version": "2",
248                                                         "description": "created from csar",
249                                                         "artifactChecksum": "MzA5MGY5ODQ0NDY5MDhiMDM3YjFlNGIwNzJkNjFhOTI=",
250                                                         "parameters": [
251                                                                 {
252                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
253                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_name_2",
254                                                                         "required": true,
255                                                                         "paramType": "string"
256                                                                 },
257                                                                 {
258                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
259                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_size_2",
260                                                                         "required": true,
261                                                                         "paramType": "number"
262                                                                 },
263                                                                 {
264                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
265                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_name_1",
266                                                                         "required": true,
267                                                                         "paramType": "string"
268                                                                 },
269                                                                 {
270                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
271                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_size_1",
272                                                                         "required": true,
273                                                                         "paramType": "number"
274                                                                 },
275                                                                 {
276                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
277                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_name_4",
278                                                                         "required": true,
279                                                                         "paramType": "string"
280                                                                 },
281                                                                 {
282                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
283                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_name_3",
284                                                                         "required": true,
285                                                                         "paramType": "string"
286                                                                 },
287                                                                 {
288                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
289                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_size_4",
290                                                                         "required": true,
291                                                                         "paramType": "number"
292                                                                 },
293                                                                 {
294                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "2f372a02-df1b-46ca-b81e-822e3f406965",
295                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_size_3",
296                                                                         "required": true,
297                                                                         "paramType": "number"
298                                                                 }
299                                                         ],
300                                                         "childTemplates": [],
301                                                         "heatTemplate": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\ndescription: HOT creates MSP MMN Cinder Volumes under MobiSupport Tenant\n\nparameters:\n  mmn_volume_name_1:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_name_2:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_name_3:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_name_4:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n\n  mmn_volume_size_1:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\n  mmn_volume_size_2:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\n  mmn_volume_size_3:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\n  mmn_volume_size_4:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n\nresources:\n  mmn_data_volume_1:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_1}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_1}\n              \n  mmn_arch_volume_2:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_2}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_2}\n         \n  mmn_backup_volume_3:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_3}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_3}\n               \n  mmn_misc_volume_4:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_4}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_4}\n\noutputs:\n  mmn_data_volume_id_1:\n    description: msp mmn data volume 1\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_data_volume_1}\n              \n  mmn_arch_volume_id_2:\n    description: msp mn arch volume 2\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_arch_volume_2}\n         \n  mmn_backup_volume_id_3:\n    description: msp mn backup volume 3\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_backup_volume_3}\n               \n  mmn_misc_volume_id_4:\n    description: msp mn volume 4\n    value: {get_resource: mmn_misc_volume_4}\n"
302                                                 },
303                                                 "moduleHeatTemplate": {
304                                                         "artifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
305                                                         "templateName": "pxmc_mmn.yaml",
306                                                         "templateBody": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\ndescription: HOT creates Nimbus vMSP MMN stack.\n\nparameters:\n  mmn_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN server names\n    description: name of the MSP MMN instances\n  mmn_flavor_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN flavor name\n    description: MSP MMN flavor name\n#  mmn_image_name:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP MMN image name\n#    description: MSP MMN image name\n#  availability_zone_0:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP MMN availability zones\n#    description: MSP MMN availability zones\n  sec_grp_msp_id:\n    type: string\n    label: security group id\n    description: the id of security group\n  mmn_oam_protected_ip_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN OAM IP Addresses\n    description: MSP MMN OAM IP Addresses\n  oam_protected_net_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN OAM net name\n    description: MSP MMN OAM net name\n  mmn_volume_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n  mmn_volume_size_0:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n  mmn_volume_image_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume image name\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume image name\n  mmn_data_volume_id_1:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 1\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 1\n  mmn_arch_volume_id_2:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 2\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 2\n  mmn_backup_volume_id_3:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 3\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 3\n  mmn_misc_volume_id_4:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 4\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 4\n  mmn_block_device_names:\n    type: comma_delimited_list\n    label: MSP MMN Block Device Names\n    description: MSP MMN Block Device Names\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_true:\n    type: boolean\n    description: delete cinder volume upon instances termination\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_false:\n    type: boolean\n    description: keep cinder volume upon instances termination\n  vnf_id:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN VNF ID\n    description: MSP MMN VNF ID\n  vf_module_id:\n    type: string\n    description: Unique ID for this VF module instance\n\nresources:\n################ Cinder Volume ########################\n  mmn_volume_0:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_0}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_0}\n      image: {get_param: mmn_volume_image_name_0}\n\n################ Server ##############################\n  mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0:\n    type: OS::Nova::Server\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_name_0}\n#      image: {get_param: mmn_image_name}\n      flavor: {get_param: mmn_flavor_name}\n#      availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone_0}\n      block_device_mapping_v2:\n        - device_name: { get_param: [mmn_block_device_names, 0] }\n          volume_id: { get_resource: mmn_volume_0 }\n          delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true}\n      networks:\n        - port: { get_resource: mmn_oam_protected_0_port }\n      config_drive: \"True\"\n      user_data_format: RAW\n      user_data:\n        get_file: user_data_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn001.txt\n      metadata:\n        vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id}\n        vf_module_id {get_param: vf_module_id}\n        \"evacuation_policy\": \"Evacuation\"\n\n################ Ports ##############################\n  mmn_oam_protected_0_port:\n    type: OS::Neutron::Port\n    properties:\n      network: {get_param: oam_protected_net_name}\n      fixed_ips: [{\"ip_address\": {get_param: mmn_oam_protected_ip_0}}]\n      security_groups: [{ get_param: sec_grp_msp_id }]\n      replacement_policy: AUTO\n\n################ Volume Attachment ##############################\n  volume_attachment_vdb:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_data_volume_id_1 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vdb\n\n  volume_attachment_vdc:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: volume_attachment_vdb\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_arch_volume_id_2 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vdc\n\n  volume_attachment_vdd:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: volume_attachment_vdc\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_backup_volume_id_3 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vdd\n\n  volume_attachment_vde:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: volume_attachment_vdd\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_misc_volume_id_4 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource:  mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vde\n",
307                                                         "timeoutMinutes": 120,
308                                                         "version": "1",
309                                                         "description": "created from csar",
310                                                         "artifactChecksum": "YmNiYTU5YTM4ODVhYTlhODc5NGMwNWZkZjI5MTRmNTE=",
311                                                         "parameters": [
312                                                                 {
313                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
314                                                                         "paramName": "vnf_id",
315                                                                         "required": true,
316                                                                         "paramType": "string"
317                                                                 },
318                                                                 {
319                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
320                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_block_device_names",
321                                                                         "required": true,
322                                                                         "paramType": "comma_delimited_list"
323                                                                 },
324                                                                 {
325                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
326                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_name_0",
327                                                                         "required": true,
328                                                                         "paramType": "string"
329                                                                 },
330                                                                 {
331                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
332                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_arch_volume_id_2",
333                                                                         "required": true,
334                                                                         "paramType": "string"
335                                                                 },
336                                                                 {
337                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
338                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_image_name_0",
339                                                                         "required": true,
340                                                                         "paramType": "string"
341                                                                 },
342                                                                 {
343                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
344                                                                         "paramName": "cinder_delete_on_termination_false",
345                                                                         "required": true,
346                                                                         "paramType": "boolean"
347                                                                 },
348                                                                 {
349                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
350                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_oam_protected_ip_0",
351                                                                         "required": true,
352                                                                         "paramType": "string"
353                                                                 },
354                                                                 {
355                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
356                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_data_volume_id_1",
357                                                                         "required": true,
358                                                                         "paramType": "string"
359                                                                 },
360                                                                 {
361                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
362                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_backup_volume_id_3",
363                                                                         "required": true,
364                                                                         "paramType": "string"
365                                                                 },
366                                                                 {
367                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
368                                                                         "paramName": "vf_module_id",
369                                                                         "required": true,
370                                                                         "paramType": "string"
371                                                                 },
372                                                                 {
373                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
374                                                                         "paramName": "sec_grp_msp_id",
375                                                                         "required": true,
376                                                                         "paramType": "string"
377                                                                 },
378                                                                 {
379                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
380                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_size_0",
381                                                                         "required": true,
382                                                                         "paramType": "number"
383                                                                 },
384                                                                 {
385                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
386                                                                         "paramName": "cinder_delete_on_termination_true",
387                                                                         "required": true,
388                                                                         "paramType": "boolean"
389                                                                 },
390                                                                 {
391                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
392                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_volume_name_0",
393                                                                         "required": true,
394                                                                         "paramType": "string"
395                                                                 },
396                                                                 {
397                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
398                                                                         "paramName": "oam_protected_net_name",
399                                                                         "required": true,
400                                                                         "paramType": "string"
401                                                                 },
402                                                                 {
403                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
404                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_misc_volume_id_4",
405                                                                         "required": true,
406                                                                         "paramType": "string"
407                                                                 },
408                                                                 {
409                                                                         "heatTemplateArtifactUuid": "b8bca13b-811f-44ab-9d27-45b842c664d8",
410                                                                         "paramName": "mmn_flavor_name",
411                                                                         "required": true,
412                                                                         "paramType": "string"
413                                                                 }
414                                                         ],
415                                                         "childTemplates": [],
416                                                         "heatTemplate": "heat_template_version: 2015-04-30\n\ndescription: HOT creates Nimbus vMSP MMN stack.\n\nparameters:\n  mmn_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN server names\n    description: name of the MSP MMN instances\n  mmn_flavor_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN flavor name\n    description: MSP MMN flavor name\n#  mmn_image_name:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP MMN image name\n#    description: MSP MMN image name\n#  availability_zone_0:\n#    type: string\n#    label: MSP MMN availability zones\n#    description: MSP MMN availability zones\n  sec_grp_msp_id:\n    type: string\n    label: security group id\n    description: the id of security group\n  mmn_oam_protected_ip_0:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN OAM IP Addresses\n    description: MSP MMN OAM IP Addresses\n  oam_protected_net_name:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN OAM net name\n    description: MSP MMN OAM net name\n  mmn_volume_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume names\n  mmn_volume_size_0:\n    type: number\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume sizes\n  mmn_volume_image_name_0:\n    type: string\n    label: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume image name\n    description: Mobisupport MSP MMN Cinder Volume image name\n  mmn_data_volume_id_1:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 1\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 1\n  mmn_arch_volume_id_2:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 2\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 2\n  mmn_backup_volume_id_3:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 3\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 3\n  mmn_misc_volume_id_4:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN Volume id 4\n    description: MSP MMN Volume id 4\n  mmn_block_device_names:\n    type: comma_delimited_list\n    label: MSP MMN Block Device Names\n    description: MSP MMN Block Device Names\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_true:\n    type: boolean\n    description: delete cinder volume upon instances termination\n  cinder_delete_on_termination_false:\n    type: boolean\n    description: keep cinder volume upon instances termination\n  vnf_id:\n    type: string\n    label: MSP MMN VNF ID\n    description: MSP MMN VNF ID\n  vf_module_id:\n    type: string\n    description: Unique ID for this VF module instance\n\nresources:\n################ Cinder Volume ########################\n  mmn_volume_0:\n    type: OS::Cinder::Volume\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_volume_name_0}\n      size: {get_param: mmn_volume_size_0}\n      image: {get_param: mmn_volume_image_name_0}\n\n################ Server ##############################\n  mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0:\n    type: OS::Nova::Server\n    properties:\n      name: {get_param: mmn_name_0}\n#      image: {get_param: mmn_image_name}\n      flavor: {get_param: mmn_flavor_name}\n#      availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone_0}\n      block_device_mapping_v2:\n        - device_name: { get_param: [mmn_block_device_names, 0] }\n          volume_id: { get_resource: mmn_volume_0 }\n          delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true}\n      networks:\n        - port: { get_resource: mmn_oam_protected_0_port }\n      config_drive: \"True\"\n      user_data_format: RAW\n      user_data:\n        get_file: user_data_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn001.txt\n      metadata:\n        vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id}\n        vf_module_id {get_param: vf_module_id}\n        \"evacuation_policy\": \"Evacuation\"\n\n################ Ports ##############################\n  mmn_oam_protected_0_port:\n    type: OS::Neutron::Port\n    properties:\n      network: {get_param: oam_protected_net_name}\n      fixed_ips: [{\"ip_address\": {get_param: mmn_oam_protected_ip_0}}]\n      security_groups: [{ get_param: sec_grp_msp_id }]\n      replacement_policy: AUTO\n\n################ Volume Attachment ##############################\n  volume_attachment_vdb:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_data_volume_id_1 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vdb\n\n  volume_attachment_vdc:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: volume_attachment_vdb\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_arch_volume_id_2 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vdc\n\n  volume_attachment_vdd:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: volume_attachment_vdc\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_backup_volume_id_3 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource: mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vdd\n\n  volume_attachment_vde:\n    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment\n    depends_on: volume_attachment_vdd\n    properties:\n      volume_id: { get_param: mmn_misc_volume_id_4 }\n      instance_uuid: { get_resource:  mmn_zrdm5bpxmc02mmn_0}\n      mountpoint: /dev/vde\n"
417                                                 },
418                                                 "heatFiles": [],
419                                                 "vnfResources": {
420                                                         "modelUuid": "d326f424-2312-4dd6-b7fe-364fadbd1ef5",
421                                                         "modelInvariantUuid": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7",
422                                                         "modelName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-VF",
423                                                         "toscaNodeType": "org.openecomp.resource.vf.VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf",
424                                                         "description": "Demo",
425                                                         "orchestrationMode": "HEAT",
426                                                         "modelVersion": "1.0",
427                                                         "modelInvariantId": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7"
428                                                 },
429                                                 "modelInvariantUuid": "8e53c069-b2f0-437a-9c00-21cbc5c8f081",
430                                                 "base": false
431                                         }
432                                 }
433                         ],
434                         "vnfResource": {
435                                 "modelUuid": "d326f424-2312-4dd6-b7fe-364fadbd1ef5",
436                                 "modelInvariantUuid": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7",
437                                 "modelName": "Vf zrdm5bpxmc02092017-VF",
438                                 "toscaNodeType": "org.openecomp.resource.vf.VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Vf",
439                                 "description": "Demo",
440                                 "orchestrationMode": "HEAT",
441                                 "modelVersion": "1.0",
442                                 "modelInvariantId": "23122c9b-dd7f-483f-bf0a-e069303db2f7"
443                         }
444                 }
445         ],
446         "allotedCustomizations": [],
447         "recipes": {
449         },
450         "csar": {
451                 "artifactUUID": "396cfd49-0f4b-4fec-9f33-0fd7e90d5a22",
452                 "name": "service-VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Service-csar.csar",
453                 "artifactChecksum": "MWQ3Y2FmMWExNDQyYWI2N2YwNjEwZGUzN2IzMzI3NjE=",
454                 "url": "service-VfZrdm5bpxmc02092017Service-csar.csar",
455                 "description": "TOSCA definition package of the asset",
456                 "version": "1"
457         }
458 }