Merge "Add base download script"
[oom/offline-installer.git] / ansible / roles / application / tasks / transfer-helm-charts.yml
1 ---
2 # before custom specific code is executed we need to move helm charts to infra
3 - name: Distribute helm charts to infra node
4   block:
5     - name: Archive helm charts
6       archive:
7         path: "{{ app_helm_charts_install_directory }}/*"
8         dest: "{{ app_helm_charts_install_directory }}.tgz"
9       delegate_to: localhost
10     - name: Create helm charts dir on infra
11       file:
12         path: "{{ app_helm_charts_infra_directory }}"
13         state: directory
14         mode: 0755
15     - name: Unarchive helm charts on infra node
16       unarchive:
17         src: "{{ app_helm_charts_install_directory }}.tgz"
18         dest: "{{ app_helm_charts_infra_directory }}"
21 - name: Install helm plugins if needed
22   block:
23     - name: Get helm dir
24       command: "{{ helm_bin_dir }}/helm home"
25       register: helm_home_dir
26     - name: Ensure that dir for helm plugins exists
27       file:
28         path: "{{ helm_home_dir.stdout }}/plugins"
29         state: directory
30         mode: 0755
31     - name: Register all plugins to be inserted by dir names
32       find:
33         paths: "{{ app_helm_plugins_directory }}"
34         file_type: "directory"
35       register: list_of_plugins
36       delegate_to: localhost
37     - name: Install all helm plugins from {{ app_helm_plugins_directory }} dir
38       copy:
39         src: "{{ item.path }}"
40         dest: "{{ helm_home_dir.stdout }}/plugins"
41         directory_mode: true
42         mode: 0755
43       with_items: "{{ list_of_plugins.files }}"
44   when: app_helm_plugins_directory is defined and app_helm_plugins_directory is not none