[oom/offline-installer.git] / ansible / roles / application / molecule / default / molecule.yml
1 ---
2 dependency:
3   name: galaxy
4 driver:
5   name: docker
6 lint:
7   name: yamllint
8 platforms:
9   - name: instance
10     image: centos:7
11 provisioner:
12   name: ansible
13   env:
14     ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: ../../../../test/roles
15   inventory:
16     group_vars:
17       all:
18         app_name: moleculetestapp
19         app_data_path: "/opt/{{ app_name }}"
20         app_helm_release_name: "{{ app_name }}"
21         app_kubernetes_namespace: "{{ app_name }}"
22         app_helm_charts_install_directory: application/helm_charts
23         app_helm_plugins_directory: "{{ app_helm_charts_install_directory}}/helm/plugins/"
24         app_helm_charts_infra_directory: "{{ app_data_path }}/helm_charts"
25         helm_bin_dir: /usr/local/bin
26         app_helm_build_targets:
27           - all
28           - onap
29         app_helm_chart_name: "{{ app_name }}"
30         helm_version: v2
31   lint:
32     name: ansible-lint
33 scenario:
34   name: default
35   test_sequence:
36     - lint
37     - cleanup
38     - destroy
39     - dependency
40     - syntax
41     - create
42     - prepare
43     - converge
44     # - idempotence
45     # --> Action: 'idempotence'
46     # ERROR: Idempotence test failed because of the following tasks:
47     # * [instance] => application : Get helm dir
48     # * [instance] => application : Helm init and upgrade
49     # * [instance] => application : Helm Serve
50     # * [instance] => application : Helm Add Repo
51     # * [instance] => application : Helm Install application moleculetestapp
52     - side_effect
53     - verify
54     - cleanup
55     - destroy
56 verifier:
57   name: testinfra
58   lint:
59     name: flake8