Springboot 2.0 upgrade
[so.git] / adapters / mso-adapter-utils / src / test / resources / application-test.yaml
1 # will be used as entry in DB to say SITE OFF/ON for healthcheck
2 # MSO Properties go here
3 cloud_config:
4   identity_services:
6       identity_url: "http://localhost:${wiremock.server.port}/v2.0"
7       mso_id: "john"
8       mso_pass: "313DECE408AF7759D442D7B06DD9A6AA"
9       admin_tenant: "admin"
10       member_role: "_member_"
11       tenant_metadata: false
12       identity_server_type: "KEYSTONE"
13       identity_authentication_type: "USERNAME_PASSWORD"
14   cloud_sites:
15     regionOne:
16       region_id: "regionOne"
17       clli: "MT2"
18       aic_version: "2.5"
19       identity_service_id: "MT_KEYSTONE"
20     DEFAULT:
21       region_id: ""
22       clli: "MTN6"
23       aic_version: "3.0"
24       identity_service_id: "ORDM3"
25 adapters:
26   po:
27     retryCodes: "504"
28     retryDelay: "5"
29     retryCount: "3"
30   tenant:
31     tenant_description: "ECOMP Tenant"
32     region_type: "single"
33     user_role: "admin"
34     success_status_string: "Success"
35     no_regions_status_string: "no regions"
36     orm_request_path: "/v1/orm/customers/"
37     x_aic_orm_client_string: "ECOMP-MSO"
38     keystone_url_version: "/v2.0"
39     keystone_reg_ex: "/[vV][0-9]"
40     orm_url_replace_this: "8080"
41     orm_url_replace_with_this: "7080"
42     quota_value: "10"
43     set_default_quota: "false"
45 server-port: 8080
46 ssl-enable: false
47 tomcat:
48   max-threads: 50
49 mso:
50   logPath: logs
51   catalog:
52     db:
53       spring:
54         endpoint: http://localhost:${wiremock.server.port}
55   db:
56     auth: Basic YnBlbDptc28tZGItMTUwNyE=
57   site-name: localDevEnv
58   async:
59     core-pool-size: 50
60     max-pool-size: 50
61     queue-capacity: 500
62 spring:
63   datasource:
64     jdbc-url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3307/catalogdb
65     username: root
66     password: password
67     driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver    
68     initialize: true
69     initialization-mode: never
70   jpa:   
71     generate-ddl: false
72     show-sql: false
73     hibernate:      
74       ddl-auto: none
75       naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
76       enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true
77     database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
79 mariaDB4j:
80   dataDir: 
81   port: 3307
82   databaseName: catalogdb
85 #Actuator
86 management: 
87   endpoints:
88     enabled-by-default: false
89   endpoint:
90     info:
91       enabled: true