Merge "BB workflow with post instantiation is not working"
[so.git] / adapters / etsi-sol003-adapter / etsi-sol003-lcm / etsi-sol003-lcm-api / src / main / resources / vnfmadapter.yaml
1 swagger: '2.0'
2 info:
3   version: 1.0.0
4   title: ONAP SO VNFM Adapter API
5   description: >-
6     Describes the API between SO (Service Orchestrator) and the adapter for VNFM
7     (Virtual Network Function Manager)
8 basePath: /so/vnfm-adapter/v1
9 schemes:
10   - http
11   - https
12 consumes:
13   - application/json
14 produces:
15   - application/json
16 paths:
17   '/vnfs/{vnfId}':
18     post:
19       tags:
20         - SO VNFM Adapter
21       summary: VNF create
22       description: Create a VNF instance using a VNFM.
23       operationId: vnf_create
24       consumes:
25         - application/json
26       parameters:
27         - required: true
28           type: string
29           description: >-
30             The identifier of the VNF. This must be the vnf-id of an existing
31             generic-vnf in AAI.
32           name: vnfId
33           in: path
34         - in: body
35           name: body
36           description: VNF creation parameters
37           required: true
38           schema:
39             $ref: '#/definitions/CreateVnfRequest'
40         - name: X-ONAP-RequestID
41           description: >-
42             Used to track REST requests for logging purposes. Identifies a
43             single top level invocation of ONAP
44           in: header
45           required: true
46           type: string
47         - name: X-InvocationID
48           description: >-
49             Used to track REST requests for logging purposes. Identifies a
50             single invocation of a single component
51           in: header
52           required: true
53           type: string
54       responses:
55         '202':
56           description: >-
57             The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not
58             been completed.
59           schema:
60             $ref: '#/definitions/CreateVnfResponse'
61         '400':
62           description: >-
63             An error occurred in the VNFM adapter relating to the given input,
64             for example, if the definition of the given VNF in AAI does not
65             included required information.
66         '404':
67           description: A VNF with the specified ID was not found in AAI.
68         '500':
69           description: >-
70             An error occurred in the VNFM adapter not relating to the given
71             input, or an error is received from the VNFM.
72     delete:
73       tags:
74         - SO VNFM Adapter
75       summary: VNF delete
76       description: Delete an instance of a VNF using a VNFM.
77       operationId: vnf_delete
78       consumes:
79         - application/json
80       parameters:
81         - required: true
82           type: string
83           description: >-
84             The identifier of the VNF. This must be the vnf-id of an existing
85             generic-vnf in AAI
86           name: vnfId
87           in: path
88         - name: X-ONAP-RequestID
89           description: >-
90             Used to track REST requests for logging purposes. Identifies a
91             single top level invocation of ONAP
92           in: header
93           required: true
94           type: string
95         - name: X-InvocationID
96           description: >-
97             Used to track REST requests for logging purposes. Identifies a
98             single invocation of a single component
99           in: header
100           required: true
101           type: string
102       responses:
103         '202':
104           description: >-
105             The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not
106             been completed.
107           schema:
108             $ref: '#/definitions/DeleteVnfResponse'
109         '400':
110           description: >-
111             An error occurred in the VNFM adapter relating to the given input,
112             for example, if the definition of the given VNF in AAI does not
113             included required information.
114         '404':
115           description: A VNF with the specified ID was not found in AAI.
116         '500':
117           description: >-
118             An error occurred in the VNFM adapter not relating to the given
119             input, or an error is received from the VNFM.
120   '/jobs/{jobId}':
121     get:
122       tags:
123         - SO VNFM Adapter
124       summary: Job query
125       description: Query the status of a job.
126       operationId: job_query
127       consumes:
128         - application/json
129       produces:
130         - application/json
131       parameters:
132         - required: true
133           type: string
134           description: The identifier of the Job.
135           name: jobId
136           in: path
137         - name: X-ONAP-RequestID
138           description: >-
139             Used to track REST requests for logging purposes. Identifies a
140             single top level invocation of ONAP
141           in: header
142           required: true
143           type: string
144         - name: X-InvocationID
145           description: >-
146             Used to track REST requests for logging purposes. Identifies a
147             single invocation of a single component
148           in: header
149           required: true
150           type: string
151       responses:
152         '200':
153           description: ''
154           schema:
155             $ref: '#/definitions/QueryJobResponse'
156         '404':
157           description: A job with the specified ID was not found.
158         '500':
159           description: >-
160             An error occurred in the VNFM adapter not relating to the given
161             input, or an error is received from the VNFM.
162 definitions:
163   CreateVnfRequest:
164     type: object
165     properties:
166       name:
167         type: string
168         description: The name to be applied to the VNF.
169       tenant:
170         $ref: '#/definitions/Tenant'
171       additionalParams:
172         type: object
173         description: >-
174           Additional input parameters for the instantiation process, specific to
175           the VNF being instantiated, as declared in the VNFD as part of
176           "InstantiateVnfOpConfig".
177         additionalProperties:
178           type: string
179       externalVirtualLinks:
180         type: array
181         description: Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to.
182         items:
183           $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalVirtualLink'
184     required:
185       - name
186       - tenant
187   Tenant:
188     type: object
189     description: Details of the tenant that VNFs can be deployed into
190     properties:
191       cloudOwner:
192         type: string
193         description: The owner in AAI of the cloud to which the tenant belongs.
194       regionName:
195         type: string
196         description: The regionName in AAI of the cloud to which the tenant belongs.
197       tenantId:
198         type: string
199         description: The identifier of the tenant in the VIM.
200     required:
201       - cloudOwner
202       - regionName
203       - tenantId
204   CreateVnfResponse:
205     type: object
206     properties:
207       jobId:
208         description: The ID of the job which can be used to query the status of the job
209         type: string
210     required:
211       - jobId
212   DeleteVnfResponse:
213     type: object
214     properties:
215       jobId:
216         description: >-
217           The ID of the job which can be used to query the status of the delete
218           job
219         type: string
220     required:
221       - jobId
222   QueryJobResponse:
223     type: object
224     properties:
225       operationStatusRetrievalStatus:
226         $ref: '#/definitions/OperationStatusRetrievalStatusEnum'
227       id:
228         type: string
229       operation:
230         $ref: '#/definitions/OperationEnum'
231       operationState:
232         $ref: '#/definitions/OperationStateEnum'
233       startTime:
234         type: string
235         format: date-time
236       stateEnteredTime:
237         type: string
238         format: date-time
239       vnfInstanceId:
240         type: string
241     required:
242       - operationStatusRetrievalStatus
243   OperationStatusRetrievalStatusEnum:
244     description: The status of the attempt to retrieve the operation from the VNFM
245     type: string
246     enum:
247       - STATUS_FOUND
251   OperationEnum:
252     description: The operation
253     type: string
254     enum:
255       - INSTANTIATE
256       - SCALE
257       - SCALE_TO_LEVEL
258       - CHANGE_FLAVOUR
259       - TERMINATE
260       - HEAL
261       - OPERATE
262       - CHANGE_EXT_CONN
263       - MODIFY_INFO
264   OperationStateEnum:
265     description: The status of the operation
266     type: string
267     enum:
268       - STARTING
269       - PROCESSING
270       - COMPLETED
271       - FAILED_TEMP
272       - FAILED
273       - ROLLING_BACK
274       - ROLLED_BACK
275   ExternalVirtualLink:
276     description: |
277       This type represents an external VL.
278     type: object
279     required:
280       - id
281       - resourceId
282       - extCps
283     properties:
284       id:
285         description: |
286           An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
287         type: string
288       tenant:
289         $ref: '#/definitions/Tenant'
290       resourceId:
291         description: |
292           An identifier maintained by the VIM.
293         type: string
294       extCps:
295         description: |
296           External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL.
297         type: array
298         items:
299           description: >
300             This type represents configuration information for external CPs
301             created from a CPD.
302           type: object
303           required:
304             - cpdId
305           properties:
306             cpdId:
307               description: |
308                 An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.
309               type: string
310             cpConfig:
311               description: >
312                 List of instance data that need to be configured on the CP
313                 instances created from the respective CPD.
314               type: array
315               items:
316                 description: >
317                   This type represents an externally provided link port or
318                   network address information per instance of an external
319                   connection point. In case a link port is provided, the VNFM
320                   shall use that link port when connecting the external CP to
321                   the external VL. In a link port is not provided, the VNFM
322                   shall create a link port on the external VL, and use that link
323                   port to connect the external CP to the external VL.
324                 type: object
325                 properties:
326                   cpInstanceId:
327                     description: >
328                       An identifier that is unique for the respective type
329                       within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.
330                     type: string
331                   linkPortId:
332                     description: |
333                       An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
334                     type: string
335                   cpProtocolData:
336                     description: >
337                       Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the
338                       link port that connects the CP to a VL.  The following
339                       conditions apply to the attributes "linkPortId" and
340                       "cpProtocolData":  * The "linkPortId" and "cpProtocolData"
341                       attributes shall both be  absent for the deletion of an
342                       existing external CP instance
343                         addressed by cpInstanceId. 
344                       * At least one of these attributes shall be present for a 
345                       to-be-created external CP instance or an existing external
346                         CP instance.
347                       * If the "linkPortId" attribute is absent, the VNFM shall
348                       create a  link port.
350                       * If the "cpProtocolData" attribute is absent, the
351                       "linkPortId"  attribute shall be provided referencing a
352                       pre-created link port,
353                         and the VNFM can use means outside the scope of the present
354                         document to obtain the pre-configured address information for the
355                         connection point from the resource representing the link port.
356                       * If both "cpProtocolData" and "linkportId" are provided,
357                       the API  consumer shall ensure that the cpProtocolData can
358                       be used with the
359                         pre-created link port referenced by "linkPortId".
360                     type: array
361                     items:
362                       description: |
363                         This type represents network protocol data.
364                       type: object
365                       required:
366                         - layerProtocol
367                       properties:
368                         layerProtocol:
369                           description: >
370                             Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s). This
371                             attribute allows to signal the addition of further
372                             types of layer and protocol in future versions of
373                             the present document in a backwards-compatible way.
374                             In the current version of the present document, only
375                             IP over Ethernet is supported.
376                           type: string
377                           enum:
378                             - IP_OVER_ETHERNET
379                         ipOverEthernet:
380                           description: >
381                             This type represents network address data for IP
382                             over Ethernet.
383                           type: object
384                           properties:
385                             macAddress:
386                               description: >
387                                 A MAC address. Representation: string that
388                                 consists of groups of two hexadecimal digits,
389                                 separated by hyphens or colons.
390                               type: string
391                               format: MAC
392                             ipAddresses:
393                               description: >
394                                 List of IP addresses to assign to the CP
395                                 instance. Each entry represents IP address data
396                                 for fixed or dynamic IP address assignment per
397                                 subnet. If this attribute is not present, no IP
398                                 address shall be assigned.
399                               type: array
400                               items:
401                                 type: object
402                                 required:
403                                   - type
404                                 properties:
405                                   type:
406                                     description: >
407                                       The type of the IP addresses. Permitted
408                                       values: IPV4, IPV6.
409                                     type: string
410                                     enum:
411                                       - IPV4
412                                       - IPV6
413                                   fixedAddresses:
414                                     description: >
415                                       Fixed addresses to assign (from the subnet
416                                       defined by "subnetId" if provided).
417                                       Exactly one of "fixedAddresses",
418                                       "numDynamicAddresses" or "ipAddressRange"
419                                       shall be present.
420                                     type: array
421                                     items:
422                                       description: >
423                                         An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation:
424                                         In case of an IPV4 address, string that
425                                         consists of four decimal integers
426                                         separated by dots, each integer ranging
427                                         from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6
428                                         address, string that  consists of groups
429                                         of zero to four hexadecimal digits,
430                                         separated by colons.
431                                       type: string
432                                       format: IP
433                                   numDynamicAddresses:
434                                     description: >
435                                       Number of dynamic addresses to assign
436                                       (from the subnet defined by "subnetId" if
437                                       provided). Exactly one of
438                                       "fixedAddresses", "numDynamicAddresses" or
439                                       "ipAddressRange" shall be present.
440                                     type: integer
441                                   addressRange:
442                                     description: >
443                                       An IP address range to be used, e.g. in
444                                       case of egress connections. In case this
445                                       attribute is present, IP addresses from
446                                       the range will be used.
447                                     type: object
448                                     required:
449                                       - minAddress
450                                       - maxAddress
451                                     properties:
452                                       minAddress:
453                                         description: >
454                                           An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation:
455                                           In case of an IPV4 address, string that
456                                           consists of four decimal integers
457                                           separated by dots, each integer ranging
458                                           from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6
459                                           address, string that  consists of groups
460                                           of zero to four hexadecimal digits,
461                                           separated by colons.
462                                         type: string
463                                         format: IP
464                                       maxAddress:
465                                         description: >
466                                           An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation:
467                                           In case of an IPV4 address, string that
468                                           consists of four decimal integers
469                                           separated by dots, each integer ranging
470                                           from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6
471                                           address, string that  consists of groups
472                                           of zero to four hexadecimal digits,
473                                           separated by colons.
474                                         type: string
475                                         format: IP
476                                   subnetId:
477                                     description: >
478                                       An identifier maintained by the VIM or
479                                       other resource provider. It is expected to
480                                       be unique within the VIM instance.
481                                     type: string
482       extLinkPorts:
483         description: >
484           Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external
485           connection points to this external VL. If this attribute is not
486           present, the VNFM shall create the link ports on the external VL.
487         type: array
488         items:
489           description: >
490             This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to
491             connect an external connection point to an external VL.
492           type: object
493           required:
494             - id
495             - resourceHandle
496           properties:
497             id:
498               description: |
499                 An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.
500               type: string
501             resourceHandle:
502               required:
503                 - tenant
504                 - resourceId
505               type: object
506               description: >
507                 This type represents the information that allows addressing a
508                 virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance.
509               properties:
510                 tenant:
511                   $ref: '#/definitions/Tenant'
512                 resourceId:
513                   description: >
514                     An identifier maintained by the VIM or other resource
515                     provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM
516                     instance.
517                   type: string
518                 vimLevelResourceType:
519                   description: >
520                     Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource
521                     provider.
522                   type: string