Policy 1707 Second commit
[policy/engine.git] / PolicyEngineAPI / src / main / java / org / openecomp / policy / std / StdPolicyEngine.java
1 /*-
2  * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
3  * PolicyEngineAPI
4  * ================================================================================
5  * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
6  * ================================================================================
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  * 
11  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  * 
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
19  */
22 package org.openecomp.policy.std;
24 import java.io.FileInputStream;
25 import java.io.IOException;
26 import java.io.InputStream;
27 import java.io.StringReader;
28 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
29 import java.net.URL;
30 import java.net.URLConnection;
31 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
32 import java.nio.file.Files;
33 import java.nio.file.Path;
34 import java.nio.file.Paths;
35 import java.text.ParseException;
36 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
37 import java.util.ArrayList;
38 import java.util.Arrays;
39 import java.util.Base64;
40 import java.util.Collection;
41 import java.util.Collections;
42 import java.util.HashMap;
43 import java.util.List;
44 import java.util.Map;
45 import java.util.Properties;
46 import java.util.UUID;
48 import javax.json.Json;
49 import javax.json.JsonObject;
50 import javax.json.JsonReader;
51 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
52 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
54 import org.openecomp.policy.api.AttributeType;
55 import org.openecomp.policy.api.ConfigRequestParameters;
56 import org.openecomp.policy.api.DecisionRequestParameters;
57 import org.openecomp.policy.api.DecisionResponse;
58 import org.openecomp.policy.api.DeletePolicyParameters;
59 import org.openecomp.policy.api.DictionaryParameters;
60 import org.openecomp.policy.api.DictionaryResponse;
61 import org.openecomp.policy.api.EventRequestParameters;
62 import org.openecomp.policy.api.ImportParameters;
63 import org.openecomp.policy.api.MetricsRequestParameters;
64 import org.openecomp.policy.api.MetricsResponse;
65 import org.openecomp.policy.api.NotificationHandler;
66 import org.openecomp.policy.api.NotificationScheme;
67 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PDPNotification;
68 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyChangeResponse;
69 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyClass;
70 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyConfig;
71 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyConfigException;
72 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyConfigType;
73 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyDecisionException;
74 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyEngineException;
75 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyEventException;
76 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyException;
77 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyParameters;
78 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyResponse;
79 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PolicyType;
80 import org.openecomp.policy.api.PushPolicyParameters;
81 import org.openecomp.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.FlexLogger;
82 import org.openecomp.policy.common.logging.flexlogger.Logger;
83 import org.openecomp.policy.models.APIDictionaryResponse;
84 import org.openecomp.policy.models.APIPolicyConfigResponse;
85 import org.openecomp.policy.utils.AAFPolicyClient.Environment;
86 import org.openecomp.policy.utils.PolicyUtils;
87 import org.openecomp.policy.xacml.api.XACMLErrorConstants;
88 import org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource;
89 import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
90 import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
91 import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
92 import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
93 import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
94 import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
95 import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
96 import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException;
97 import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
98 import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
100 import com.att.aft.dme2.internal.gson.Gson;
101 import com.att.aft.dme2.internal.gson.GsonBuilder;
102 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
104 /**
105  * PolicyEngine Implementation class
106  * 
107  * @version 1.0
108  */
109 public class StdPolicyEngine {
110         private static final String ERROR_AUTH_GET_PERM = "You are not allowed to Make this Request. Please contact PolicyAdmin to give access to: ";
111         private static final String DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION = "websocket";
113         private String propertyFilePath = null;
114         private String clientEncoding = null;
115         private String contentType = null;
116         private static List<String> pdps = null;
117         private static String environment= null; 
118         private static String userName = null;
119         private static String pass = null; 
120         private static List<String> encoding = null;
121         private static boolean junit = false;
122         private List<String> pdpDefault = null;
123         private List<String> typeDefault = null;
124         private List<String> notificationType = new ArrayList<String>();
125         private List<String> notificationURLList = new ArrayList<String>();
126         private NotificationScheme scheme = null;
127         private NotificationHandler handler = null;
128         private AutoClientUEB uebClientThread = null;
129         private Thread registerUEBThread = null;
130         private boolean uebThread = false;
131         private AutoClientDMAAP dmaapClientThread = null;
132         private Thread registerDMAAPThread = null;
133         private boolean dmaapThread = false;
134         private String topic = null;
135         private String apiKey = null;
136         private String apiSecret = null;
138         private static final String UNIQUEID = UUID.randomUUID ().toString ();
139         private static final Logger LOGGER = FlexLogger.getLogger(StdPolicyConfig.class.getName());
141         /*
142          * Taking the Property file even if it null.
143          */
144         public StdPolicyEngine(String propertyFilePath, String clientKey) throws PolicyEngineException {
145                 setProperty(propertyFilePath, clientKey);
146         }
148         /*
149          * Taking the Notification Constructor.
150          */
151         public StdPolicyEngine(String propertyFilePath,
152                                                    NotificationScheme scheme,
153                                                    NotificationHandler handler) throws PolicyEngineException {
154                 setProperty(propertyFilePath, null);
155                 this.scheme = scheme;
156                 this.handler = handler;
157                 if ((!"ueb".equals(notificationType.get(0)))||(!"dmaap".equals(notificationType.get(0)))){
158                         AutoClientEnd.setAuto(scheme, handler);
159                 }
160                 notification(scheme, handler);
161         }
163         /*
164          * Taking the Notification Constructor.
165          */
166         public StdPolicyEngine(String propertyFilePath, NotificationScheme scheme) throws PolicyEngineException {
167                 setProperty(propertyFilePath, null);
168                 this.scheme = scheme;
169                 setScheme(scheme);
170         }
172         /*
173          * sendEvent API Implementation
174          */
175         public Collection<PolicyResponse> sendEvent(Map<String, String> eventAttributes, UUID requestID) throws PolicyEventException {
176                 return sendEventImpl(eventAttributes, requestID);
177         }
179         /*
180          * sendEvent API Implementation for eventRequestParameters 
181          */
182         public Collection<PolicyResponse> sendEvent(EventRequestParameters eventRequestParameters) throws PolicyEventException{
183                 if(eventRequestParameters==null){
184                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No event Request Parameters Given. ";
185                         LOGGER.error(message);
186                         throw new PolicyEventException(message);
187                 }
188                 return sendEventImpl(eventRequestParameters.getEventAttributes(), eventRequestParameters.getRequestID());
189         }
191         /*
192          * getConfig using configRequestParameters Implementation 
193          */
194         public Collection<PolicyConfig> getConfig(ConfigRequestParameters configRequestParameters) throws PolicyConfigException{
195                 return getConfigImpl(configRequestParameters);
196         }
198         /*
199          * listPolicies using configRequestParameters Implementation
200          */
201         public Collection<String> listConfig(ConfigRequestParameters listPolicyRequestParameters) throws PolicyConfigException{
202                 return listConfigImpl(listPolicyRequestParameters);
203         }
205         /*
206          * getDecision using the decision Attributes.
207          */
208         public DecisionResponse getDecision(String eCOMPComponentName, Map<String, String> decisionAttributes, UUID requestID) throws PolicyDecisionException {
209                 return getDecisionImpl(eCOMPComponentName, decisionAttributes, requestID);
210         }
212         /*
213          * getDecision Using decisionRequestParameters.  
214          */
215         public DecisionResponse getDecision(DecisionRequestParameters decisionRequestParameters) throws PolicyDecisionException{
216                 if(decisionRequestParameters==null){
217                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Decision Request Parameters Given. ";
218                         LOGGER.error(message);
219                         throw new PolicyDecisionException(message);
220                 }
221                 return getDecisionImpl(decisionRequestParameters.getECOMPComponentName(), decisionRequestParameters.getDecisionAttributes(), decisionRequestParameters.getRequestID());
222         }
224         /*
225          * getMetrics using metricsRequestParameters
226          */
227         public MetricsResponse getMetrics(MetricsRequestParameters parameters) throws PolicyException{
228                 return getMetricsImpl(parameters);
229         }
231         public MetricsResponse getMetricsImpl(MetricsRequestParameters parameters) throws PolicyException{
232                 StdMetricsResponse response = new StdMetricsResponse();
233                 String resource = "getMetrics";
234                 String body = new String();
236                 //  Create the Request
237                 try {
238                         if (parameters!=null) {
239                                 body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(parameters);
240                         }
241                 } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
242                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e;
243                         LOGGER.error(message);
244                         throw new PolicyException(message, e);
245                 }
246         // Get Response. 
247         try {
248             ResponseEntity<String> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.GET, body, String.class);
249             // Process response
250             response.setResponseMessage(result.getBody());
251             response.setResponseCode(result.getStatusCode().value());
252         } catch (PolicyException exception) {
253             if(exception.getCause()!=null && exception.getCause() instanceof HttpClientErrorException){
254                 LOGGER.error(exception);
255                 HttpClientErrorException ex = (HttpClientErrorException) exception.getCause();
256                 response.setResponseCode(ex.getRawStatusCode());
257                 response.setResponseMessage(exception.getMessage());
258                 return response;
259             }else{
260                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR+ "Error while processing results. please check logs.";
261                 LOGGER.error(message, exception);
262                 throw new PolicyException(message, exception);
263             }         
264         }
265                 return response;
266         }
268         /*
269          * PushPolicy using pushPolicyParameters. 
270          */
271         public PolicyChangeResponse pushPolicy(PushPolicyParameters pushPolicyParameters) throws PolicyException{
272                 return pushPolicyImpl(pushPolicyParameters);
273         }
275         public PolicyChangeResponse pushPolicyImpl(PushPolicyParameters pushPolicyParameters) throws PolicyException{
276                 StdPolicyChangeResponse response = new StdPolicyChangeResponse();
277                 String resource= "pushPolicy";
278         String body = new String();
279         // Create Request. 
280         try {
281             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(pushPolicyParameters);
282         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
283             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
284             LOGGER.error(message);
285             throw new PolicyException(message, e);
286         }
287         // Get Response. 
288         try {
289             ResponseEntity<String> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.PUT, body, String.class);
290             // Process response
291             response.setResponseMessage(result.getBody());
292             response.setResponseCode(result.getStatusCode().value());
293         } catch (PolicyException exception) {
294             return processException(exception);
295         }
296         return response;
297         }
299         /*
300          * Delete a Policy using deletePolicyParameters
301          */
302         public PolicyChangeResponse deletePolicy(DeletePolicyParameters parameters) throws PolicyException {
303                 return deletePolicyImpl(parameters);
304         }
306         public PolicyChangeResponse deletePolicyImpl(DeletePolicyParameters parameters) throws PolicyException {
307                 StdPolicyChangeResponse response = new StdPolicyChangeResponse();
308                 String resource= "deletePolicy";
309                 String body = new String();
310         // Create Request. 
311         try {
312             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(parameters);
313         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
314             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
315             LOGGER.error(message);
316             throw new PolicyException(message, e);
317         }
318         // Get Response. 
319         try {
320             ResponseEntity<String> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.DELETE, body, String.class);
321             // Process response
322             response.setResponseMessage(result.getBody());
323             response.setResponseCode(result.getStatusCode().value());
324         } catch (PolicyException exception) {
325             return processException(exception);
326         }
327         return response;
328         }
330         /*
331          * getDictionaryItem Using dictionaryParameters
332          */
333         public DictionaryResponse getDictionaryItem(DictionaryParameters parameters) throws PolicyException {
334                 return getDictionaryItemImpl(parameters);
335         }
337         public DictionaryResponse getDictionaryItemImpl(DictionaryParameters parameters) throws PolicyException{
338                 StdDictionaryResponse response = new StdDictionaryResponse();
339                 String resource="getDictionaryItems";
340                 String body = "{}";
341                 // Create Request. 
342         try {
343             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(parameters);
344         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
345             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
346             LOGGER.error(message);
347             throw new PolicyException(message, e);
348         }
349         // Get Response. 
350         try {
351             ResponseEntity<APIDictionaryResponse> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.POST, body, APIDictionaryResponse.class);
352             // Process response
353             response = dictionaryResult(result.getBody());
354         } catch (Exception exception) {
355             if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("401")){
356                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS + ERROR_AUTH_GET_PERM + resource;
357                 LOGGER.error(message);
358                 response.setResponseMessage(message);
359                 response.setResponseCode(401);
360                 return response;
361             }if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("400")){
362                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Invalid Data is given.";
363                 response.setResponseMessage(message);
364                 response.setResponseCode(400);
365                 return response;
366             }
367             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+ "Unable to get valid Response from  PDP(s) " + pdps;
368             LOGGER.error(message, exception);
369             response.setResponseMessage(message);
370             response.setResponseCode(500);
371             return response;
372         }
373         return response;                
374         }
376         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
377     private StdDictionaryResponse dictionaryResult(APIDictionaryResponse body) {
378         StdDictionaryResponse response = new StdDictionaryResponse();
379         response.setResponseCode(body.getResponseCode());
380         response.setResponseMessage(body.getResponseMessage());
381         response.setDictionaryData((Map<String, String>) body.getDictionaryData());
382         if(body.getDictionaryJson()!=null){
383             Gson objGson = new GsonBuilder().create();
384             String mapToJson = objGson.toJson(body.getDictionaryJson());
385             JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(mapToJson));
386             JsonObject object = jsonReader.readObject();
387             jsonReader.close();
388             response.setDictionaryJson(object);
389         }
390         return response;
391     }
393     /*
394          * createDictinaryItem Using dictionaryParameters. 
395          */
396         public PolicyChangeResponse createDictionaryItem(DictionaryParameters parameters) throws PolicyException{
397                 return createUpdateDictionaryItemImpl(parameters, false);
398         }
400         /*
401          * updateDictinaryItem Using dictionaryParameters. 
402          */
403         public PolicyChangeResponse updateDictionaryItem(DictionaryParameters parameters) throws PolicyException{
404                 return createUpdateDictionaryItemImpl(parameters, true);
405         }
407         public PolicyChangeResponse createUpdateDictionaryItemImpl(DictionaryParameters parameters, boolean updateFlag) throws PolicyException{
408                 StdPolicyChangeResponse response = new StdPolicyChangeResponse();
409                 String resource = "createDictionaryItem";
410                 if(updateFlag){
411                     resource = "updateDictionaryItem";
412                 }
413                 String body = new String();
414         // Create Request. 
415         try {
416             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(parameters);
417         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
418             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
419             LOGGER.error(message);
420             throw new PolicyException(message, e);
421         }
422         // Get Response. 
423         try {
424             ResponseEntity<String> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.PUT, body, String.class);
425             // Process response
426             response.setResponseMessage(result.getBody());
427             response.setResponseCode(result.getStatusCode().value());
428         } catch (PolicyException exception) {
429             return processException(exception);
430         }
431         return response;
432         }
434         /*
435          * PolicyEngine Import  
436          */
437         public PolicyChangeResponse policyEngineImport(ImportParameters importParameters) throws PolicyException {
438                 return policyEngineImportImpl(importParameters);
439         }
441         public PolicyChangeResponse policyEngineImportImpl(ImportParameters importParameters) throws PolicyException {
442                 StdPolicyChangeResponse response = new StdPolicyChangeResponse();
443                 String resource= "policyEngineImport";
444                 LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object> parameters = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>();
445         // Create Request. 
446         try {
447             String body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(importParameters);
448             parameters.set("importParametersJson", body);
449             parameters.set("file", new FileSystemResource(importParameters.getFilePath()));
450         } catch (Exception e) {
451             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
452             LOGGER.error(message);
453             throw new PolicyException(message, e);
454         }
455         contentType = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE;
456         // Get Response. 
457         try {
458             ResponseEntity<String> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.POST, parameters, String.class);
459             // Process response
460             response.setResponseMessage(result.getBody());
461             response.setResponseCode(result.getStatusCode().value());
462         } catch (PolicyException exception) {
463             return processException(exception);
464         } finally{
465             contentType = null;
466         }
467         return response;
468         }
470         /*
471          * createPolicy Using policyParameters. 
472          */
473         public PolicyChangeResponse createPolicy(PolicyParameters policyParameters) throws PolicyException{
474                 return createUpdatePolicyImpl(policyParameters, false);
475         }
477         /*
478          * updatePolicy using policyParameters. 
479          */
480         public PolicyChangeResponse updatePolicy(PolicyParameters policyParameters) throws PolicyException{
481                 return createUpdatePolicyImpl(policyParameters, true);
482         }
484         public PolicyChangeResponse createUpdatePolicyImpl(PolicyParameters policyParameters, boolean updateFlag) throws PolicyException{
485                 StdPolicyChangeResponse response = new StdPolicyChangeResponse();
486                 String resource= "createPolicy";
487                 if(updateFlag){
488                     resource="updatePolicy";
489                 }
490                 String body = new String();
491         // Create Request. 
492         try {
493             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(policyParameters);
494         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
495             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
496             LOGGER.error(message);
497             throw new PolicyException(message, e);
498         }
499         // Get Response. 
500         try {
501             ResponseEntity<String> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.PUT, body, String.class);
502             // Process response
503             response.setResponseMessage(result.getBody());
504             response.setResponseCode(result.getStatusCode().value());
505         } catch (PolicyException exception) {
506             return processException(exception);
507         }
508         return response;
509         }
511         private PolicyChangeResponse processException(PolicyException exception) throws PolicyException {
512             StdPolicyChangeResponse response = new StdPolicyChangeResponse();
513             if(exception.getCause()!=null && exception.getCause() instanceof HttpClientErrorException){
514             LOGGER.error(exception);
515             HttpClientErrorException ex = (HttpClientErrorException) exception.getCause();
516             response.setResponseCode(ex.getRawStatusCode());
517             response.setResponseMessage(exception.getMessage());
518             return response;
519         }else{
520             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR+ "Error while processing results. please check logs.";
521             LOGGER.error(message, exception);
522             throw new PolicyException(message, exception);
523         }
524     }
526     public DecisionResponse getDecisionImpl(String eCOMPComponentName,
527                                                                                         Map<String, String> decisionAttributes,
528                                                                                         UUID requestID) throws PolicyDecisionException {
529                 String resource= "getDecision";
530                 StdDecisionResponse response = new StdDecisionResponse();
531         String body = new String();
532         // Create Request. 
533         try {
534             DecisionRequestParameters decisionRequestParameters = new DecisionRequestParameters();
535             decisionRequestParameters.setDecisionAttributes(decisionAttributes);
536             decisionRequestParameters.setECOMPComponentName(eCOMPComponentName);
537             decisionRequestParameters.setRequestID(requestID);
538             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(decisionRequestParameters);
539         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
540             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
541             LOGGER.error(message);
542             throw new PolicyDecisionException(message, e);
543         }
544         // Get Response. 
545         try {
546             ResponseEntity<StdDecisionResponse> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.POST, body, StdDecisionResponse.class);
547             // Process response
548             response = result.getBody();
549         } catch (Exception exception) {
550             if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("401")){
551                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS + ERROR_AUTH_GET_PERM + resource;
552                 LOGGER.error(message);
553                 throw new PolicyDecisionException(message, exception);
554             }if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("400")){
555                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Invalid Data is given.";
556                 LOGGER.error(message);
557                 throw new PolicyDecisionException(message, exception);
558             }
559             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+ "Unable to get valid Response from  PDP(s) " + pdps;
560             LOGGER.error(message, exception);
561             throw new PolicyDecisionException(message, exception);
562         }
563         return response;
564         }
566     public Collection<PolicyConfig> getConfigImpl(ConfigRequestParameters configRequestParameters) throws PolicyConfigException{
567             String resource= "getConfig";
568                 ArrayList<PolicyConfig> response = new ArrayList<PolicyConfig>();
569                 String body = new String();
570                 // Create Request. 
571                 try {
572             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(configRequestParameters);
573         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
574             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
575             LOGGER.error(message);
576             throw new PolicyConfigException(message, e);
577         }
578                 // Get Response. 
579                 try {
580             ResponseEntity<APIPolicyConfigResponse[]> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.POST, body, APIPolicyConfigResponse[].class);
581             // Process Response
582             response = configResult(result.getBody());
583         } catch (Exception exception) {
584             if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("401")){
585                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS + ERROR_AUTH_GET_PERM + resource;
586                 LOGGER.error(message);
587                 throw new PolicyConfigException(message, exception);
588             }if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("400")){
589                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Invalid Data is given.";
590                 LOGGER.error(message);
591                 throw new PolicyConfigException(message, exception);
592             }
593             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW+ "Unable to get valid Response from  PDP(s) " + pdps;
594             LOGGER.error(message, exception);
595             throw new PolicyConfigException(message, exception);
596         }
597                 return response;
598         }
600     private ArrayList<PolicyConfig> configResult(APIPolicyConfigResponse[] response) throws PolicyConfigException {
601         ArrayList<PolicyConfig> result = new ArrayList<PolicyConfig>();
602         if(response!=null && response.length>0){
603             for(APIPolicyConfigResponse policyConfigResponse: response){
604                 StdPolicyConfig policyConfig = new StdPolicyConfig();
605                 policyConfig.setConfigStatus(policyConfigResponse.getPolicyConfigMessage());
606                 policyConfig.setMatchingConditions(policyConfigResponse.getMatchingConditions());
607                 policyConfig.setPolicyConfigStatus(policyConfigResponse.getPolicyConfigStatus());
608                 policyConfig.setPolicyName(policyConfigResponse.getPolicyName());
609                 policyConfig.setPolicyType(policyConfigResponse.getType());
610                 policyConfig.setPolicyVersion(policyConfigResponse.getPolicyVersion());
611                 policyConfig.setResponseAttributes(policyConfigResponse.getResponseAttributes());
612                 setMatches(policyConfig.getMatchingConditions());
613                 if(policyConfigResponse.getType()!=null){
614                     try {
615                         switch (policyConfigResponse.getType()) {
616                             case JSON:
617                                 JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(policyConfigResponse.getConfig()));
618                                 JsonObject object = jsonReader.readObject();
619                                 jsonReader.close();
620                                 policyConfig.setJsonObject(object);
621                                 break;
622                             case OTHER:
623                                 policyConfig.setOther(policyConfigResponse.getConfig());
624                                 break;
625                             case PROPERTIES:
626                                 Properties props = new Properties();
627                                 props.putAll(policyConfigResponse.getProperty());
628                                 policyConfig.setProperties(props);
629                                 break;
630                             case XML:
631                                 DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
632                                 DocumentBuilder builder;
633                                 builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
634                                 policyConfig.setDocument(builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(policyConfigResponse.getConfig()))));
635                                 break;
636                         }
637                     } catch (Exception e) {
638                         LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID+ e);
639                         throw new PolicyConfigException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID+ "Unable to parse the config", e);
640                     }
641                 }
642                 result.add(policyConfig);
643             }
644         }
645         return result;
646     }
648     private void setMatches(Map<String, String> matchingConditions) {
649         Matches match = new Matches();
650         HashMap<String, String> configAttributes = new HashMap<String,String>();
651         try{
652             for(String key: matchingConditions.keySet()){
653                 if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("ECOMPName")){
654                     match.setEcompName(matchingConditions.get(key));
655                 }else if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("ConfigName")){
656                     match.setConfigName(matchingConditions.get(key));
657                 }else{
658                     configAttributes.put(key, matchingConditions.get(key));
659                 }
660             }
661             if(!configAttributes.isEmpty()){
662                 match.setConfigAttributes(configAttributes);
663             }
664             MatchStore.storeMatch(match);
665         }catch(Exception e){
666             LOGGER.info("StoreMatch failed for Ecomp:"
667                     + match.getEcompName() + " Config: "
668                     + match.getConfigName());
669         }
670     }
672     /*
673      * Generic Rest Client to call PDP services. 
674      */
675     private <T> ResponseEntity<T> callNewPDP(String resource,
676             HttpMethod method, Object body, Class<T> responseType) throws PolicyException{
677         RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
678         HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(body, getHeaders());
679         ResponseEntity<T> result = null;
680         HttpClientErrorException exception = null;
681         int pdpsCount = 0;
682         while(pdpsCount < pdps.size()){
683             try{
684                 result = restTemplate.exchange(pdps.get(0)+"/api/" + resource, method, requestEntity, responseType);
685             }catch(HttpClientErrorException e){
686                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW + "Error while connecting to " + pdps.get(0), e);
687                 exception = e;
688             }catch(Exception e){
689                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW + "Error while connecting to " + pdps.get(0), e);
690                 exception = new HttpClientErrorException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage());
691             }
692             finally{
693                 if(result == null){
694                     Collections.rotate(pdps, -1);
695                     Collections.rotate(encoding, -1);
696                     pdpsCount++;
697                 }else{
698                     break;
699                 }
700             }
701         }
702         if(exception != null && exception.getStatusCode()!=null){
703             if(exception.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)){
704                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS +":"+exception.getStatusCode()+":" +ERROR_AUTH_GET_PERM + resource;
705                 LOGGER.error(message);
706                 throw new PolicyException(message, exception);
707             }
708             if(exception.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)){
709                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + ":"+exception.getStatusCode()+":" + exception.getResponseBodyAsString();
710                 LOGGER.error(message);
711                 throw new PolicyException(message, exception);
712             }
713             if(exception.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)){
714                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW + "Error while connecting to " + pdps + exception;
715                 LOGGER.error(message);
716                 throw new PolicyException(message, exception);
717             }
718             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PROCESS_FLOW + ":"+exception.getStatusCode()+":" + exception.getResponseBodyAsString();
719             LOGGER.error(message);
720             throw new PolicyException(message, exception);
721         }
722         return result;
723     }
725     private HttpHeaders getHeaders() {
726         HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
727         headers.set("ClientAuth", "Basic " + clientEncoding);
728         headers.set("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding.get(0));
729         if(contentType!=null){
730             headers.set("Content-Type", contentType.toString());
731         }else{
732             headers.set("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
733         }
734         headers.set("Environment", environment);
735         return headers;
736     }
738     private void setClientEncoding() {
739         Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
740         clientEncoding = encoder.encodeToString((userName+":"+pass).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
741     }
743     public Collection<String> listConfigImpl(ConfigRequestParameters listRequestParameters) throws PolicyConfigException{
744                 Collection<String> policyList = new ArrayList<String>();
745                 if (junit){
746                         policyList.add("Policy Name: listConfigTest");
747                         return policyList;
748                 }
749                 Collection<PolicyConfig> policyConfig = getConfigImpl(listRequestParameters);
750                 for(PolicyConfig policy : policyConfig){
751                         if(policy.getPolicyConfigMessage()!=null && policy.getPolicyConfigMessage().contains("PE300")){
752                                 policyList.add(policy.getPolicyConfigMessage());
753                         } else {
754                                 policyList.add("Policy Name: " + policy.getPolicyName());
755                         }
756                 }
757                 return policyList;
758         }
760         public Collection<PolicyResponse> sendEventImpl(Map<String, String> eventAttributes, UUID requestID) throws PolicyEventException {
761                 String resource= "sendEvent";
762         ArrayList<PolicyResponse> response = new ArrayList<PolicyResponse>();
763         String body = new String();
764         // Create Request. 
765         try {
766             // Long way here, can be shortened and will be done. 
767             EventRequestParameters eventRequestParameters = new EventRequestParameters();
768             eventRequestParameters.setEventAttributes(eventAttributes);
769             eventRequestParameters.setRequestID(requestID);
770             body = PolicyUtils.objectToJsonString(eventRequestParameters);
771         } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
772             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID + e; 
773             LOGGER.error(message);
774             throw new PolicyEventException(message, e);
775         }
776         // Get Response. 
777         try {
778             ResponseEntity<StdPolicyResponse[]> result = callNewPDP(resource, HttpMethod.POST, body, StdPolicyResponse[].class);
779             // Process Response
780             response = eventResult(result.getBody());
781         } catch (Exception exception) {
782             if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("401")){
783                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS + ERROR_AUTH_GET_PERM + resource;
784                 LOGGER.error(message);
785                 throw new PolicyEventException(message, exception);
786             }if(exception.getCause().getMessage().contains("400")){
787                 String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Invalid Data is given.";
788                 LOGGER.error(message);
789                 throw new PolicyEventException(message, exception);
790             }
791             String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+ "Unable to get valid Response from  PDP(s) " + pdps;
792             LOGGER.error(message, exception);
793             throw new PolicyEventException(message, exception);
794         }
795         return response;
796         }
798         private ArrayList<PolicyResponse> eventResult(StdPolicyResponse[] response) throws PolicyEventException{
799         ArrayList<PolicyResponse> eventResult = new ArrayList<PolicyResponse>();
800         if(response!=null && response.length>0){
801             for(StdPolicyResponse policyConfigResponse: response){
802                 eventResult.add(policyConfigResponse);
803             }
804         }
805         return eventResult;
806     }
808         private void setProperty(String propertyFilePath, String clientKey)
809                         throws PolicyEngineException {
810                 this.propertyFilePath = propertyFilePath;
811                 if (this.propertyFilePath == null) {
812                         throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Error NO PropertyFile Path provided");
813                 } else {
814                         // Adding logic for remote Properties file.
815                         Properties prop = new Properties();
816                         if (propertyFilePath.startsWith("http")) {
817                                 URL configURL;
818                                 try {
819                                         configURL = new URL(propertyFilePath);
820                                         URLConnection connection = null;
821                                         connection = configURL.openConnection();
822                                         prop.load(connection.getInputStream());
823                                 } catch (IOException e) {
824                                         LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + e);
825                                         throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Maformed property URL "+ e.getMessage());
826                                 }
827                         } else {
828                                 Path file = Paths.get(propertyFilePath);
829                                 if (Files.notExists(file)) {
830                                         throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "File doesn't exist in the specified Path "      + file.toString());
831                                 } 
832                                 if (file.toString().endsWith(".properties")) {
833                                         InputStream in;
834                                         prop = new Properties();
835                                         try {
836                                                 in = new FileInputStream(file.toFile());
837                                                 prop.load(in);
838                                         } catch (IOException e) {
839                                                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + e);
840                                                 throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "Cannot Load the Properties file", e);
841                                         }
842                                 } else {
843                                         LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR + "Not a .properties file " + propertyFilePath);
844                                         throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR  + "Not a .properties file");
845                                 }
846                         }
847                         // UEB and DMAAP Settings
848                         String check_type = prop.getProperty("NOTIFICATION_TYPE");
849                         String serverList = prop.getProperty("NOTIFICATION_SERVERS");
850                         topic = prop.getProperty("NOTIFICATION_TOPIC");
851                         apiKey = prop.getProperty("UEB_API_KEY");
852                         apiSecret = prop.getProperty("UEB_API_SECRET");
854                         if(check_type==null) {
855                                 notificationType.add(DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION);
856                                 LOGGER.info("Properties file doesn't have the NOTIFICATION_TYPE parameter system will use defualt websockets"); 
857                         }else{
858                                 check_type = check_type.trim();
859                                 if(check_type.contains(",")) {
860                                         typeDefault = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(prop.getProperty("NOTIFICATION_TYPE").split(",")));
861                                         notificationType = typeDefault; 
862                                 } else {
863                                                 notificationType = new ArrayList<String>();
864                                                 notificationType.add(check_type);
865                                 }
866                         }
867                         if(serverList==null) {
868                                 notificationType.clear();
869                                 notificationType.add(DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION);
870                                 LOGGER.info("Properties file doesn't have the NOTIFICATION_SERVERS parameter system will use defualt websockets");      
871                         }else{
872                                 serverList = serverList.trim();
873                                 if(serverList.contains(",")) {
874                                         notificationURLList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(serverList.split(","))); 
875                                 } else {
876                                         notificationURLList = new ArrayList<String>();
877                                         notificationURLList.add(serverList);
878                                 }
879                         }
881                         if(topic!=null) {
882                                 topic = topic.trim();
883                         } else {
884                                 LOGGER.error("Properties file doesn't have the NOTIFICATION_TOPIC parameter.");
885                         }
887                         // Client ID Authorization Settings. 
888                         String clientID = prop.getProperty("CLIENT_ID");
889                         if(clientKey==null){
890                                 clientKey = prop.getProperty("CLIENT_KEY");
891                                 try {
892                                         clientKey = PolicyUtils.decode(clientKey);
893                                 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException|IllegalArgumentException e) {
894                                         LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+" Cannot Decode the given Password Proceeding with given Password!!");
895                                 }
896                         }
897                         if(clientID ==null || clientKey == null || clientID.isEmpty() || clientKey.isEmpty()){
898                                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+" Cannot proceed without the CLIENT_KEY and CLIENT_ID values !!");
899                                 throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_PERMISSIONS+ " Cannot proceed without the CLIENT_KEY and CLIENT_ID values !!");
900                         }else{
901                                 userName = clientID.trim();
902                                 pass = clientKey.trim();
903                         }
904                         setClientEncoding();
905                         environment = prop.getProperty("ENVIRONMENT", Environment.DEVL.toString());
906                         if(environment.equalsIgnoreCase(Environment.TEST.toString())){
907                                 environment = Environment.TEST.toString();
908                         }else if(environment.equalsIgnoreCase(Environment.PROD.toString())){
909                                 environment = Environment.PROD.toString();
910                         }else{
911                                 environment = Environment.DEVL.toString();
912                         }
913                         // Initializing the values.
914                         pdps = new ArrayList<String>();
915                         encoding = new ArrayList<String>();
916                         // Check the Keys for PDP_URLs
917                         Collection<Object> unsorted = prop.keySet();
918                         @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
919                         List<String> sorted = new ArrayList(unsorted);
920                         Collections.sort(sorted);
921                         for (String propKey : sorted) {
922                                 if (propKey.startsWith("PDP_URL")) {
923                                         String check_val = prop.getProperty(propKey);
924                                         if (check_val == null) {
925                                                 throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Properties file doesn't have the PDP_URL parameter");
926                                         }
927                                         if (check_val.contains(";")) {
928                                                 pdpDefault = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(check_val.split("\\s*;\\s*")));
929                                                 int pdpCount = 0;
930                                                 while (pdpCount < pdpDefault.size()) {
931                                                         String pdpVal = pdpDefault.get(pdpCount);
932                                                         readPDPParam(pdpVal);
933                                                         pdpCount++;
934                                                 }
935                                         } else {
936                                                 readPDPParam(check_val);
937                                         }
938                                 }
939                         }
940                         if (pdps == null || pdps.isEmpty()) {
941                                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Cannot Proceed without PDP_URLs");
942                                 throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "Cannot Proceed without PDP_URLs");
943                         }
945                         // Get JUNIT property from properties file when running tests
946                         String junit = prop.getProperty("JUNIT");
947                         if(junit == null || junit.isEmpty()){
948                                 LOGGER.info("No JUNIT property provided, this will not be executed as a test.");
949                         }else{
950                                 if(junit.equalsIgnoreCase("test")){
951                                         StdPolicyEngine.junit = true;
952                                 } else {
953                                         StdPolicyEngine.junit = false;
954                                 }
955                         }
956                 }
957         }
959         /*
960          * Read the PDP_URL parameter
961          */
962         private void readPDPParam(String pdpVal) throws PolicyEngineException{
963                 if(pdpVal.contains(",")){
964                         List<String> pdpValues = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(pdpVal.split("\\s*,\\s*")));
965                         if(pdpValues.size()==3){
966                                 // 0 - PDPURL
967                                 pdps.add(pdpValues.get(0));
968                                 // 1:2 will be UserID:Password
969                                 String userID = pdpValues.get(1);
970                                 String pass = pdpValues.get(2);
971                                 Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
972                                 encoding.add(encoder.encodeToString((userID+":"+pass).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
973                         }else{
974                                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Credentials to send Request: " + pdpValues);
975                                 throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No enough Credentials to send Request. " + pdpValues);
976                         }
977                 }else{
978                         LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "PDP value is improper/missing required values: " + pdpVal);
979                         throw new PolicyEngineException(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "PDP value is improper/missing required values.");
980                 }
981         }
982         /*
983          * Allowing changes to the scheme and Handler.
984          */
985         public void notification(NotificationScheme scheme, NotificationHandler handler) {
986                 this.scheme = scheme;
987                 this.handler = handler;
988                 LOGGER.debug("Scheme is : " + scheme.toString());
989                 LOGGER.debug("Handler is : " + handler.getClass().getName());
991                 if (notificationType.get(0).equals("ueb")){
992                         if (this.uebThread) {
993                                 uebClientThread.setAuto(scheme, handler);
994                                 this.uebThread = registerUEBThread.isAlive();
995                         }
996                 } else if (notificationType.get(0).equals("dmaap")){
997                         if (this.dmaapThread) {
998                                 dmaapClientThread.setAuto(scheme, handler);
999                                 this.dmaapThread = registerDMAAPThread.isAlive();
1000                         }
1001                 } else {
1002                         AutoClientEnd.setAuto(scheme, handler);
1003                 }
1005                 if(junit){
1006                     return;
1007                 }
1009                 if(pdps!=null){
1010                         if (notificationType.get(0).equals("ueb")  && !this.uebThread){
1011                                 this.uebClientThread = new AutoClientUEB(pdps.get(0), notificationURLList, apiKey, apiSecret); 
1012                                 this.uebClientThread.setAuto(scheme, handler);
1013                                 this.registerUEBThread = new Thread(this.uebClientThread);
1014                                 this.registerUEBThread.start();
1015                                 this.uebThread = true;
1016                         }else if (notificationType.get(0).equals("dmaap") && !this.dmaapThread){
1017                                 this.dmaapClientThread = new AutoClientDMAAP(notificationURLList,topic,userName,pass);
1018                                 this.dmaapClientThread.setAuto(scheme, handler);
1019                                 this.registerDMAAPThread = new Thread(this.dmaapClientThread);
1020                                 this.registerDMAAPThread.start();
1021                                 this.dmaapThread = true;
1022                         }else{
1023                                 if(pdps.get(0)!=null){
1024                                         if(AutoClientEnd.getURL()==null){
1025                                                 AutoClientEnd.start(pdps.get(0));
1026                                         }else {
1027                                                 AutoClientEnd.stop();
1028                                                 AutoClientEnd.start(pdps.get(0));
1029                                         }
1030                                 }
1031                         }
1032                 }
1033         }
1035         /*
1036          * Gets the Notification if one exists. Used only for Manual Polling
1037          * purposes.
1038          */
1039         public PDPNotification getNotification(){
1040                 //Check if there is proper scheme.. 
1041                 PDPNotification notification = null;
1042                 if(this.scheme.equals(NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS) || this.scheme.equals(NotificationScheme.MANUAL_NOTIFICATIONS)) {
1043                         if (notificationType.get(0).equals("ueb")){
1044                                 ManualClientEndUEB.start(pdps.get(0), notificationURLList, UNIQUEID);
1045                                 notification = ManualClientEndUEB.result(scheme);
1046                         }else if (notificationType.get(0).equals("dmaap")){
1047                                 ManualClientEndDMAAP.start(notificationURLList, topic, UNIQUEID, userName, pass);
1048                                 notification = ManualClientEndDMAAP.result(scheme);
1049                         }else{
1050                                 ManualClientEnd.start(pdps.get(0));
1051                                 LOGGER.debug("manual notification requested.. : " + scheme.toString());
1052                                 notification = ManualClientEnd.result(scheme);
1053                         }
1054                         if (notification == null){
1055                                 LOGGER.error(XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Notification yet..");
1056                                 return null;
1057                         } else {
1058                                 return notification;
1059                         }
1060                 }else {
1061                         return null;
1062                 }
1063         }
1065         /*
1066          * Setting the Scheme.
1067          */
1068         public void setScheme(NotificationScheme scheme) {
1069                 this.scheme = scheme;
1070                 if (notificationType.get(0).equals("ueb")){
1071                         AutoClientUEB.setScheme(this.scheme);
1072                         if (this.scheme.equals(NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS)){
1073                                 ManualClientEndUEB.createTopic(pdps.get(0), UNIQUEID, notificationURLList);
1074                         }
1075                 }else if (notificationType.get(0).equals("dmaap")){
1076                         AutoClientDMAAP.setScheme(this.scheme);
1077                         if (this.scheme.equals(NotificationScheme.MANUAL_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS)){
1078                                 ManualClientEndDMAAP.createTopic(topic, UNIQUEID, notificationURLList, userName, pass);
1079                         }
1080                 }else{
1081                         AutoClientEnd.setScheme(this.scheme);
1082                 }       
1083         }
1085         /*
1086          * Returns the Scheme
1087          */
1088         public NotificationScheme getScheme() {
1089                 return this.scheme;
1090         }
1092         /*
1093          * Returns the NotificationHandler
1094          */
1095         public NotificationHandler getNotificationHandler() {
1096                 return this.handler;
1097         }
1099         /*
1100          * Stop the Notification Service if its running.
1101          */
1102         public void stopNotification() {
1103                 if (this.scheme != null && this.handler != null) {
1104                         if (this.scheme.equals(NotificationScheme.AUTO_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS)
1105                                         || this.scheme
1106                                                         .equals(NotificationScheme.AUTO_NOTIFICATIONS)) {
1107                                 LOGGER.info("Clear Notification called.. ");
1108                                 if (notificationType.get(0).equals("ueb")){
1109                                         this.uebClientThread.terminate();
1110                                         this.uebThread = false;
1111                                 }else if (notificationType.get(0).equals("dmaap")){
1112                                         this.dmaapClientThread.terminate();
1113                                         this.dmaapThread = false;
1114                                 }else{
1115                                         AutoClientEnd.stop();
1116                                 }
1117                         }
1118                 }
1119         }
1121         /*
1122          * Push a policy to the PDP API implementation
1123          */
1124         public String pushPolicy(String policyScope, String policyName, String policyType, String pdpGroup, UUID requestID) throws PolicyException {
1125                 PushPolicyParameters pushPolicyParameters = new PushPolicyParameters();
1126                 if(policyScope==null|| policyScope.trim().isEmpty()){
1127                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Policy Scope given.";
1128                         LOGGER.error(message);
1129                         throw new PolicyException(message);
1130                 }
1131                 if(policyName==null|| policyName.trim().isEmpty()){
1132                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Policy Name given.";
1133                         LOGGER.error(message);
1134                         throw new PolicyException(message);
1135                 }
1136                 pushPolicyParameters.setPolicyName(policyScope+"."+policyName);
1137                 pushPolicyParameters.setPolicyType(policyType);
1138                 pushPolicyParameters.setPdpGroup(pdpGroup);
1139                 pushPolicyParameters.setRequestID(requestID);
1140                 return pushPolicyImpl(pushPolicyParameters).getResponseMessage();
1141         }
1143         public String createUpdateConfigPolicy(String policyName, String policyDescription, String ecompName, String configName,
1144                         Map<String, String> configAttributes, String configType, String body, String policyScope, UUID requestID,
1145                         String riskLevel, String riskType, String guard, String ttlDate, boolean updateFlag) throws PolicyException {
1146                 return createUpdateConfigPolicyImpl(policyName, policyDescription, ecompName, configName,
1147                                 configAttributes, configType, body, policyScope, requestID,
1148                                 riskLevel, riskType, guard, ttlDate, updateFlag);
1149         }
1151         /*
1152          * Create Config Policy API Implementation
1153          */
1154         public String createUpdateConfigPolicyImpl(String policyName, String policyDescription, String ecompName, String configName,
1155                         Map<String, String> configAttributes, String configType, String body, String policyScope, UUID requestID,
1156                         String riskLevel, String riskType, String guard, String ttlDate, boolean updateFlag) throws PolicyException {
1157                 PolicyParameters policyParameters = new PolicyParameters();
1158                 policyParameters.setPolicyClass(PolicyClass.Config);
1159                 policyParameters.setPolicyConfigType(PolicyConfigType.Base);
1160                 if(policyScope==null|| policyScope.trim().isEmpty()){
1161                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Policy Scope given.";
1162                         LOGGER.error(message);
1163                         throw new PolicyException(message);
1164                 }
1165                 if(policyName==null|| policyName.trim().isEmpty()){
1166                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Policy Name given.";
1167                         LOGGER.error(message);
1168                         throw new PolicyException(message);
1169                 }
1170                 policyParameters.setPolicyName(policyScope+"."+policyName);
1171                 policyParameters.setPolicyDescription(policyDescription);
1172                 policyParameters.setEcompName(ecompName);
1173                 policyParameters.setConfigName(configName);
1174                 Map<AttributeType, Map<String, String>> attributes = new HashMap<AttributeType, Map<String, String>>();
1175                 attributes.put(AttributeType.MATCHING, configAttributes);
1176                 policyParameters.setAttributes(attributes);
1177                 policyParameters.setConfigBodyType(PolicyType.valueOf(configType));
1178                 policyParameters.setConfigBody(body);
1179                 policyParameters.setRequestID(requestID);
1180                 policyParameters.setRiskLevel(riskLevel);
1181                 policyParameters.setRiskType(riskType);
1182                 policyParameters.setGuard(Boolean.parseBoolean(guard));
1183                 try {
1184                         policyParameters.setTtlDate(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse(ttlDate));
1185                 } catch (ParseException e) {
1186                         LOGGER.warn("Error Parsing date given " + ttlDate);
1187                         policyParameters.setTtlDate(null);
1188                 }
1189                 return createUpdatePolicyImpl(policyParameters, updateFlag).getResponseMessage();
1190         }
1192         public String createUpdateConfigFirewallPolicy(String policyName, JsonObject firewallJson, String policyScope, UUID requestID,
1193                         String riskLevel, String riskType, String guard, String ttlDate, boolean updateFlag) throws PolicyException {
1194                 return createUpdateConfigFirewallPolicyImpl(policyName, firewallJson, policyScope, requestID,
1195                                 riskLevel, riskType, guard, ttlDate, updateFlag);
1196         }
1198         /*
1199          * Create Update Config Firewall Policy API implementation
1200          */
1201         public String createUpdateConfigFirewallPolicyImpl(String policyName, JsonObject firewallJson, String policyScope, UUID requestID,
1202                         String riskLevel, String riskType, String guard, String ttlDate, boolean updateFlag) throws PolicyException {
1203                 PolicyParameters policyParameters = new PolicyParameters();
1204                 policyParameters.setPolicyClass(PolicyClass.Config);
1205                 policyParameters.setPolicyConfigType(PolicyConfigType.Firewall);
1206                 if(policyScope==null|| policyScope.trim().isEmpty()){
1207                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Policy Scope given.";
1208                         LOGGER.error(message);
1209                         throw new PolicyException(message);
1210                 }
1211                 if(policyName==null|| policyName.trim().isEmpty()){
1212                         String message = XACMLErrorConstants.ERROR_DATA_ISSUE + "No Policy Name given.";
1213                         LOGGER.error(message);
1214                         throw new PolicyException(message);
1215                 }
1216                 policyParameters.setPolicyName(policyScope+"."+policyName);
1217                 policyParameters.setConfigBody(firewallJson.toString());
1218                 policyParameters.setRequestID(requestID);
1219                 policyParameters.setRiskLevel(riskLevel);
1220                 policyParameters.setRiskType(riskType);
1221                 policyParameters.setGuard(Boolean.parseBoolean(guard));
1222                 try {
1223                         policyParameters.setTtlDate(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse(ttlDate));
1224                 } catch (NullPointerException | ParseException e) {
1225                         LOGGER.warn("Error Parsing date given " + ttlDate);
1226                         policyParameters.setTtlDate(null);
1227                 }
1228                 return createUpdatePolicyImpl(policyParameters, updateFlag).getResponseMessage();
1229         }
1231         public void setClientKey(String clientKey){
1232                 if(clientKey!=null && !clientKey.isEmpty()){
1233                         StdPolicyEngine.pass = clientKey;
1234                         setClientEncoding();
1235                 }
1236         }
1237         /*
1238          * Get the Environment. 
1239          */
1240         public static String getEnvironment() {
1241                 return environment;
1242         } 
1243         /*
1244          * Rotate the PDP list upon WEBsocket Failures
1245          */
1246         public static void rotatePDPList() {
1247                 Collections.rotate(pdps, -1);
1248                 Collections.rotate(encoding, -1);
1249         }
1250         /*
1251          * Get the latest PDP
1252          */
1253         public static String getPDPURL() {
1254                 return pdps.get(0);
1255         }
1256 }